
This week I watched an episode of a show in Spanish called “Extra”. The seemed to be a sitcom seeming inspired, in my opinion, by the American show “Three’s Company”. I didn’t see too many differences in culture in this show. I did notice that the characters in the idealized Americans. The two main female characters in the show were roommates, which isn’t anything super different from American culture. However, they did have a rule in the apartment that was set by the landlord. The rule was that they weren’t allowed to have any visitors, I don’t this was a cultural thing, it may just have been a premise for the show. In this short episode, I didn’t see too many differences from American culture. They did flash some clips of food market even thought they did not eat any food in the episode. In mylimited studies of Spanish culture in previous classes there does seem to be heathlier and slower living theme in the spanish culture. America is very fast paced, advancment oriented, and focus on increased productivity and time management. In Spainish culture fresh food markets are more common than in the United States, where fast food is prevelant and loved by many Americans. The episode was decently entertainig to watch, and I’ve always enjoyed the spanish language and culture.

Article by Becka Bloom.

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