Mariposa De Barrio

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Mariposa De Barrio is a Netflix series that follows the life of Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera. I have watched this show before with my roommate and have fallen in love with it. My favorite part of watching the show is that it gives me a chance to pick up on the Spanish language. Jenni Rivera speaks both Spanish and English while she speaks primary Spanish with her family, husband and children. The Mexican-American culture is a culture in itself, it has cultural aspects from both Mexico and America. Mexican parents, those of Jenni’s husband aspire for their children to marry fellow Mexicans. In episode 1, the episode I watched before writing this blog post, Jenni’s mother-in-law shames her for being born in California rather than Mexico.

One thing I have noticed about the culture is the tight, protective family dynamic. Trino, Jenni’s husband becomes upset when he claims Jenni’s parents are meddling in his relationship although they are worried about their daughter. Her parents are very traditional, they would not allow Jenni to date until she was 15. Her parents expect their daughter to act and play like girls and their sons to play like boys. In the show I have noticed that the characters are extremely protective of their family members and are not afraid to result to violence if needed.

While there is only one season of this Netflix show, there is over 50 episodes in the first season. I am excited to continue watching and I recommend it to others as well.

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