Education: Forever Changed

Predictions for the 2021 School Year

Throughout the article, Forever Changed: Education Predictions for 2021 there are many predictions being made as to what the 2021 school year will be like this year due to this new way of learning. In the school year of 2020, many students and teachers were challenged as learning had reverted to online. After many of months of learning this way, due to unforeseen times globally, the school system will continue to this learning process. Entering the year 2021, many predictions shave been labeled as to how the school year will go with new ways of online learning. One stated, and in my opinion is the best part of online learning is how the educator engages with social media to become influencers that help students learn technologically. Many teachers utilize twitter to keep in contact with their students as well as posting articles. Another way of teaching students technologically is through video recording and video conferencing which has been utilized frequently. Using all of these new technologies generated towards teaching students keeps then greatly intrigued and educates them on new skills helping them become more technologically advanced. As crazy and challenging this year has been to adapting to a new learning structure, technology has greatened it to all new levels and I believe this will forever change learning for many years to come.

This image displays students learning from home using technology with siblings and parents.