National Geographic Explorer Classroom

A fun web tool from the Global Educators toolbox

Blog by Lauren Whaley

What is the National Geographic Explorer Classroom?

The National Geographic Explorer Classroom is a website run by National Geographic to allow students to talk to National Geographic Explorers virtually to learn more about our wildlife and ecosystem. These students get to hear behind the scenes info, interact with professional scientists and researchers from around the world. All events and interactions with these explorers are free and open to anyone who is available to hear about it. Click here to see their website with dates and times available for certain age groups. One thing that is really great about the National Geographic Explorer Classroom is that when there are no events scheduled, you can go online and watch previous events at your own time and pace to still join in on the fun and adventure.

Why did I choose this tool?

I chose The National Geographic Explorer Classroom as my web tool from the Global Educators toolbox because it is such a expressional way for students of all ages to enjoy. The National Geographic Explorer Classroom teaches students in a fun way where they are able to learn more about science and not be bored by it. Most students end up reading a book about these types of topics which can lead them to become distracted easily or not entertained. This tool can help students focus on the material, educate them and make it all seem like a tv show or a little game. These students are watching videos of people who are showing them the realities of being in these situations. I think that this tool is very useful as well because it is free and open to the public, this means that there will be no issues with having to pay for it or not having access to it. This tool is also very useful because it teaches students about a majority of different topics including climate change, deep sea sharks, protecting wildlife and much more! 

You can also get updated and more information about The National Geographic Explorer Classroom by checking out their twitter page @NatGeoEducation 

Ways I would use The National Geographic Explorer Classroom in my Classroom. 

These are some ideas that I could possibly see myself doing to incorporate this tool into my classroom. I would use this tool in different ways depending on curriculum or how my students adjust to it. Some ways I would like to use this tool are.. 

As a homework assignment

  • I would assign my students to attend two-three virtual events during the course of the school year. I would choose the ones that related most to the lessons we are learning in class. 
  • Depending on the students’ ages I would have them write a little summary or have them write bullet points of some of the information they retained while attending. 

In class lesson 

  • If one of the events happens to fall into our class time I could put it on for the students to watch and interact with together. 
  • I would also have them complete a bullet point list or maybe fill in the blank worksheet that they could work on with peers in the class. 

Extra Credit 

  • If there isn’t a way for me to fit The National Geographic Explorer Classroom into my lesson plans and such I could always offer it as extra credit. 
  • I would have the students sign up for a max of three courses and for each course they take they would get a few points back on a test or quiz. 

Thank you for reading my blog

Make sure to check out my twitter page for more information and updates about education my handle is @laurenwhaleyy13

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