Out of Eden

Chapter 1 : Out of Africa

The first step in the journey that I explored was Paul at milestone 10, Red Sea. I was looking around the pictures he took on the boat, and I was fascinated by how old the technology was. I was very interested in the cartography that was used to navigate on the ship, and his interaction with the captain was very thought provoking, as you realize the language barriers, and the cultural differences between Paul and the Captain

The overpass at milestone 11 had a different feel to it. We were now on dry land, not just dry land but desert. Many people were traveling with camels. I did find it very fascinating that they had no human encounters for six whole miles. It makes me thing the journey was a very lonely one, and I was honestly looking forward to seeing who they may have encountered in the desert. The sound of the cars driving on the overpass was a very nice white noise to me, and I probably would have been relaxing in the same way Paul was.

Again one milestone to the next brings a vastly different view. We went from desert near civilization to desert that might as well have been the middle of nowhere. I found it interesting that they originally missed the milestone and had to go back and find it again. The interaction with Nasser, and him wanting to start a family shows some people that we have more in common with those in other countries than we may be led to believe.