Virtual Reality: Global Collabartion

The Google Cardboard virtual reality tool is a great tool to use inside a classroom and also very affordable. I have used it inside a classroom as my time as a student. The way it works is you put a iPhone or android inside the cardboard and download an app that can be used. The link above will show you all the apps that can be used for it. You can then pick a selection from the app to view and look at.

Google Earth tours is a great way to visit places you are going over in the classroom as a history lesson or geography. During todays time especially as students are not allowed to go on field trips in most places this allows them to view places and be able to look around. This makes it more clear and visually better then just looking at online images. When I used it in the classroom as a student it was in geography class senior year and we visited all places in Europe during the Europe unit.

This was a great way to see all the places we talked about as many of us have never been and maybe never will. This could get kids more interested in what they are learning as it is a great thing to be able to see. This can be used for global collaboration by visiting places all over the world. You could write letters to the places you viewed and students in those areas then visit is with virtual reality to see where they live better then just the images.

Make Your Own Cardboard VR Goggles |

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