
Recently I have found a hpyerdoc in the form of a google slide presentation. It was a timeline of the American Revolution. This is a link to the Presentation Each of the team names in this slide would take the individual students to a shared document for their teammates. To help students learn, the quizlet…

Out of Eden

Chapter 1 : Out of Africa The first step in the journey that I explored was Paul at milestone 10, Red Sea. I was looking around the pictures he took on the boat, and I was fascinated by how old the technology was. I was very interested in the cartography that was used to navigate…

A New Form of Connection

By: Alexandra Maseda A new concept that is being brought to light is virtual reality in the classroom. The idea of virtual reality has always seemed futuristic and far off, but now it seems closer than ever before. Kids play video games with it, and plans to incorporate it in films and television is in…

Google Cardboard as a Global Classroom Tool

There are many ways augmented reality can be a helpful tool in the classroom. One of these ways is fostering the global environment for students of all ages. Students can use many forms of virtual reality, google cardboard included, to understand the world around the. Google cardboard is also a cost effective way for schools…

Exploring the Walk Out of Eden

By: Alexandra Maseda In 2013 a journalist by the name of Paul Salopek began a 24,000 mile journey across the globe to trace the journey our ancestors took. While on this mission he would also look at current events such as climate change or technological advancements that would effect the areas he would visit. His dedication…