WE Mental Well-Being Course

WE has made a few courses and modules for educators and help with common issues within their classrooms. The course I would like to focus on in this blog post is the Mental Well-Being module. This module consists of 4 sections: Understanding the issue. This section introduces the topic of mental well-being and provides a…

Out of Eden Walk

Paul Salopek walked the pathways of the first humans who walked the earth when they migrated out of Africa in the Stone Age. It was a 21,000-mile odyssey. Unlike our ancestors, though, Paul brought along his camera in order to document his trek. These were some of the highlights of his journey. From chapter 2…

Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip

From the many choices of field trips, I chose the virtual field trip to Ellis Island. It was a very interesting and unique experience. This field trip was similar to that of a PowerPoint presentation, but it was so much better. It took you through chronological order. From being on the ship to getting off…

The Intouchables

I watched the movie “The Intouchables” and was touched by the movie. Although I am an English speaker and the movie was in French, I put subtitles on and could understand what was going on. The movie was about a man in a wheelchair who needed a caretaker. He hires a man named Driss, and…

Virtual Reality in the Classroom

With technology grossly expanding at the rate it is, it is important we as educators question how this can benefit the classrooms. Children can play and watch video games in a headset to make it look like they’re really there, but how can we use this in the classroom? For one, this idea of looking…

Communication in Education.

After reading chapter two of “Sail the 7 C’s” by Becky Keene and Kathi Kersznowski, I have learned how many different ways it is now possible to communicate and learn/teach from across the globe. One of the many ways we’ve learned to communicate is through Microsoft Translator. In the example used in the text, at…

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land

In 2015, the United Nations created the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda is a plan to create peace, wealth and health across the world. The goal consists of 17 goals in total, but this blog post is about goal number 15 specifically. Goal number 15’s goal is to “protect, restore, and promote sustainable…

National Geographic’s Explorer Classroom

National Geographic has an amazing classroom tool that teachers of every subject should be using with their students. This tool, Explorer Classroom, is meant to connect students and classrooms with professionals in many different fields, all around the globe. It gives students the opportunity to connect with and hear stories from scientists, researchers, and powerful…

Collaborating with Students Using Microsoft Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard is essentially a collaborative digital canvas within Microsoft 365 made for meetings and effective learning. There are many features within Whiteboard that make learning seamless, even when being physically together is not possible. Microsoft Whiteboard is already a helpful tool for any setting, but especially useful within a classroom setting. This being said,…

New Google Workspace Updates for More Efficient Collaboration

Google will include at least 12 new updates within their workspace package (docs, sheets, slides, etc.) by the end of the year. They have done this in hopes to make collaborating with others easier and more efficient. Some of these updates will include: “@” to mention people, files, and meetings. Already available to Google Workspace…