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The World’s Largest Lesson

The WLL Logo

A large part about being a teacher is figuring out what to do with content and how to get the students to learn it. Creating lessons is the way to do that, as these are what drive the class each and everyday. The World’s Largest Lesson provides free resources and lesson plans for teaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The website also includes ideas for student action plan proposals. They are big on creative learning tools and action based instruction that ensures all students can learn in the classroom.

The Inspiration for the WLL

Partnered with UNICEF and UNESCO, they advocate for Education for Sustainable Development and encourage the widespread use of the Goals through formal education systems. They also work with a wide span of different agencies throughout the world, ranging from the United Nations to local youth groups. According to their website, since 2015 they have brought the Global Goals to children all over the world. In 2019 they reached 17.9 million children located in over 160 countries. With such a wide reach, they provide over 30 languages to choose from when using their resources.

I think this tool is invaluable to the classroom, on the small scale and even the larger global one. Their mission and goals are admirable, and their determination and drive is shown through their work. I will for sure be using this in my classroom, as I believe that education should be for everyone everywhere. If you want to learn more about the World’s Largest Library, check out their website. If you want to learn more about their campaigns, check this link. For resources click here, for their impact here, and lastly to see about their partnerships, click here.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. See you next week!

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