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Being a ‘Changemaker’ in the Classroom

This week I explore the website WE.org, specifically the section devoted to teachers. WE offers free resources for teachers, so they can make a change in their class without worrying about funding. They encourage teachers to empower their students by offering FREE social-emotional training and other modules for teachers to explore.

What can you find on WE

While exploring through the website, I noticed how each module offered a table of context where they explain what will be offered in the module.

Screenshot taken from the Diversity and Inclusion Module

Each module includes sections that train the teacher on the issue being discussed, ways help or support the student, and worksheets/activities to include in class. The worksheets offer training for the students and gives the teacher a way to present what they’ve learned in the module into class.

Using WE in the Classroom

The learning activities given in each module are a great way to incorporate the module into the classroom.

Activity from the Bullying module

These worksheets can be used for all ages, but they may need to be altered for younger grades to understand. I will use these in my future classroom as social emotional lessons to empower my students on issues that they may face in their lives.

Thank you for reading!

Jillian DeMore


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