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Looking to Teach Globally?

This is a picture provided by Microsoft to show how their translator tool can be used across devices.

Microsoft Translator for Education is a tool that is allowing teachers to teach students on a global scale. The program allows for in the moment translation of speech to text. While this is primarily a teaching aide, this tool is so much more. It can allow students to form study groups in spite of language barriers, teachers and parents can have conferences one another, and pre-recorded presentations can be retroactively enhanced with translated captions.

This a tool that has the ability to completely revolutionize the global online learning environment. No longer is language a strictly dividing factor for teachers who want to branch out across the wold. The barrier of language is shortened allowing more and more people to connect instantly to learn and grow together.

This is a video put out by Microsoft Research on Youtube

Technology is allowing for anyone to connect. Now it has the ability to connect people like never before. Months, or years, are no longer needed to learn a new language in order to reach others across the globe. It is a new age of learning unlike any before.


  1. Hello!
    Microsoft Translator for Education seems like an extremely helpful tool! As most students who face a language barrier are often categorized with disabilities, this program can help these students present their knowledge!

  2. Hello,
    I really enjoyed your blog post. Your title is a great way to draw in an audience. I liked that your post was easy to read yet had all the information I needed to want to learn more about the Microsoft Translator. Your embedded links made it easy to access other web pages that will allow me to learn more about this great tool that is helping students learn and people to communicate. Thank you so much for sharing this great tool with us!
    Bayta Owens #GEN2108

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