Author Archives: connorj

Bronze Copper Returns to Sunset Drive

Bronze copper at Sunset Drive Causeway, Salem County, photo by Joanna Burger, May 28. 2011. The latest FOY addition to our South Jersey Butterfly Log is a good one at any time, but especially at this time of year. We’ve … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Lycaenids | 2 Comments

Hackberries Are Hot

Tawny emperor caterpillar on hackberry, Lizard Tail Swamp, by Will Kerling. Will Kerling’s photo of a tawny emperor caterpillar this week (5/25) at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve following Pat Sutton’s photo of mourning cloak cats in her backyard last week … Continue reading

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Cat-Chasing Time

Mourning cloak caterpillars on hackberry, photo’d by Pat Sutton, Goshen, May 20, 2011 Caterpillars become easier to find in late May as more and more species have had time to lay their eggs — and their young time to grow … Continue reading

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Dusted in Gloucester Again

Atrytonopsis hianna photo by Dave Amadio, Riverwinds Scenic Trail May 13, 2011 Dave Amadio found dusted skippers yesterday (5-13-11) on Riverwinds Scenic Trail exactly one day earlier than he found them in the same place last year. That suggests a … Continue reading

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See-Them-Now Skippers

Female sleepy duskywing, Erynnis brizo, photo by Will Kerling, Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, April 29, 2011 South Jersey is home to half a dozen species of single-brooded, spring skippers that fly only into May or June. Four of the six … Continue reading

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New Species for Lizard Tail Swamp

Photo by Will Kerling at LTSP, April 30. Edwards’ azure, Celastrina ladon, found by Will Kerling on April 30 is the 66th species he has documented for Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve. At least three individuals were present that day. It’s … Continue reading

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April 30th Compilation

How is the butterfly year going so far? Very well, thank you! Spring last year (2010) was a good one, everyone seems to agree, and we had collected 870 individual reports of 38 species by the end of April. By … Continue reading

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The Summer [form] Is Already Here

Summer-form of P. interrogationis photo’d by Will Kerling, Lily Lake, Cape May Point, April 26, 2011 We have already had two reports of summer-form question marks, Polygonia interrogationis, on the surprisingly early date of April 26 — one at Lily … Continue reading

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All Seven Callophrys in April

Juniper hairstreak, photo’d by Harvey Tomlinson, Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, 4-24-11 Last year we found all seven NJ Callophrys before April ended, and we did it again this year. This year’s sequence: Henry’s elfin: 3/19/11 (Belleplain State Forest) Eastern pine … Continue reading

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Field Trip Upcoming: Warren Grove 5-7-11

Cobweb skipper, Hesperia metea, Warren Grove, May 2009 The North Jersey Butterfly Club has invited us to join them on their field trip to Warren Grove on Saturday, May 7. Meet at Lucille’s Diner on Route 539 in Warren Grove … Continue reading

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