Author Archives: connorj

Straying or Stretching?

Long-tailed skipper missing its tails photo’d by Cynthia Allen in her garden on 9-3-12. A second long-tailed skipper, with both tails, photo’d by Cynthia in her garden the very next day, 9-4-12. The northernmost area of the species’ regular breeding … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Migration, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Straying or Stretching?

Southbound & Historic?

Painted ladies — one small sample — photo’d by Will Kerling at Cape May Point on 8-26-12. August closed with a flurry of memorable sightings during the last week, including: –> long-tailed skipper (the first one found by Chris Tonkinson … Continue reading

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The Year of the Pierid?

This sleepy orange, found and photo’d by Jim Dowdell in his yard in Cape May County 8-23-12 and 8-24-12, gives us 91 species for 2012 and seems to complete our sweep of the pierids possible in South Jersey, unless….. Will … Continue reading

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Another Good Reason To Do What We Do

Zabulon skipper, one of twelve southern species that have expanded into Massachusetts over the past two decades, apparently in response to climate change. Chasing butterflies is fun, as everyone in our group knows. And it’s a challenge as well — … Continue reading

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Mid-August Gallery

Little yellow, photo’d up close and personal by Will Kerling at Cape May Courthouse, 8-11-12. The last ten days or so have provided such a whirlwind of butterfly events that it’s hard to keep track of them all, including: *** … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Lycaenids, Nymphalids, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Mid-August Gallery

And More Harvesters…

Look close: it’s a harvester caterpillar consuming wooly aphids at Chestnut Branch Park, Gloucester County, 8-16-12. Photo by Dave Amadio It’s hard to keep up with our observers tracking down exciting sightings on various fronts. We have our first reported … Continue reading

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Double-Header Rarities

Giant swallowtail, photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 8-12-12 Two of our sharpest-eyed and hardest-working observers scored big for our log yesterday. Will Kerling tracked down the giant swallowtail above at the Coral and Cambridge Avenues garden in Cape … Continue reading

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Limenitis Complexities

A “white admiral” butterfly in South Jersey? Photo by Kerri Sellers, Rancocas Nature Center, 8-2-12 Kerri Sellers of the Rancocas Nature Center managed to photo the eye-catching butterfly above with her cell phone on Thursday, Aug 2. The Nature Center … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Nymphalids | Comments Off on Limenitis Complexities

ENSP Survey of Checkered Whites

As of Monday 8-6-12, this post has been updated with new info from Robert Somes. See below for more details than previously posted: Following some tips from Chip Krilowicz and others, Robert Somes of NJ’s Endangered & Non-Game Species Program … Continue reading

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July 2012 Compilation: A Pierid Festival

Can you name the butterfly species in this beautiful photo by Harvey Tomlinson from 7-21-12 at Bunker Pond, Cape May Point State Park? Answer below. Thirty-four observers contributed a truly remarkable total of 3210 reports, the most we have ever … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, ID Challenges & Tips, Looking At Our Data, Pierids | Comments Off on July 2012 Compilation: A Pierid Festival