We.org resources for my classroom

We.org provides many resources for students, teachers, and families regarding social and personal issues.

In my future classroom, I want to specifically promote and support mentally health and overall well-being for my students, and provide them with tools to do it on their own as well. We.org lists some of the outcomes in students that they are hoping for, such as positive, inclusive, safe, and caring environments and relationships, the reduction of stigmas, and physical and emotional well-being.

They even provide resources about being informed on and handling trauma in your classroom. Trauma has a significant impact on students’ lives, including their behavior and actions at school, and I found this module to be extremely useful and helpful as it teaches about how to identify and understand trauma, and how to support your students and make them feel safe and nurtured.

I also found downloadable graphics, posters, and worksheets that help families introduce certain topics and focus on important puzzle pieces of well-being. These include self care, emotions, relationships, growing and physical health, and more. Not only will I use these resources to teach my family about these important topics, but I can print and hang the posters and graphics around my classroom and use them to inform my students as well.

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