
One of the most important collaborations a teacher needs to make is one with each students parents. @MicrosoftEDU on twitter asks how parents and teachers can work together to advance student’s learning. Instantly after I read that question I thought of Class Notebook. In order for parents and teachers to know how to help a student, they need to keep track of that students work and progress. Class Notebook allows an organized display of that students school related work and life such as discussions with teachers, and guidance counselors. Since every faculty member associated with that particular student can easily access the notebook, the parent is able to follow clearly their child’s development. I was not alone in automatically thinking of Class Notebook, a user replied to MicrosoftEDU’s question stating he loves Notebooks guardian link. I feel this piece of technology is revolutionary because it allows faculty and parents to connect in real time. It’s easy accessibility allows for everyone involved to keep track of the student and stay informed.