Taking a trip to explore Explore.org

For this week’s blog post assignment, I decided to take a virtual reality field trip to Explore.org. Where they offer live camera points from areas all across the world.

Link for photo

Explore.org offers live cameras viewing all environment and animal-based things. These cams offer to learn without leaving the seat of your desk. Students can learn about the environment or specific traits of a species while watching what they are doing happen live.

Link for video

These live cams Explore.org offers for us to be able to watch, can help students explore topics they might not understand as much because they can’t physically see them in person. For example, students learning about the ocean and reefs and the effects man has had on them, they can see in the live video what reefs currently look like and the teacher can have them compare and see the issue for themselves. It can give the students the final connection to understand what the lesson is about.

Lastly, I wanted to point out that since we have been learning about the Sustainable Development Goals that this site Explore.org is a creative way to show students the effects animals and our environment have faced due to climate change and pollution among other things. It shows students that we must protect these things and take the proper actions before it’s too late.

Be sure to check out my Twitter @franstarace90 for more updates. 🙂

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