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This week I ventured into something new. I watched a Korean television show with English subtitles. While, yes, this is something very popular for many people; however, I have never experienced it.

I watched the show ‘A Love So Beautiful‘, it was described as a lighthearted, romcom, which is right up my ally!

I was surprised that most things were very culturally similar to things in the United States. However, I did notice some differences. For example, the students at school wore uniforms that were unlike school uniforms in the United States. Also, they had name tags on their uniforms. It was also interesting to just hear the Korean language, since it is something I do not typically hear.

There were a lot of similarities. For example, high school sports games, teenagers being distracted in class, and a classic teenage love story. The teenagers were also hanging out in what appeared to be a karaoke club. This is not something I think is very common for teenagers in the United States. The characters rode bikes to school and around town. They were seen eating Korean food, things that I have never seen before. They were also seen in a grocery store where I was able to see different types of things sold there as well. Throughout the two episodes I watched, there was sunny weather, and this set the tone for the show. I noticed beautiful mountains over the water and interesting tress I do not see here. Also, the architecture was very beautiful in this setting.

It was very interesting to see the cultural differences in this episode, but also to see the similarities. The teenagers portrayed in this show are very similar to teenagers in the U.S.. It is important to remember that, sometimes, the only thing that makes us different is a language barrier!

Thanks for reading!


Jillian DeMore

1 Comment

  1. It surprised me that there were so many similarities between the Korean teenagers and American teenagers because the culture just seems so different. Watching a show like this can help people to see the similarities mores than anything else.

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