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Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 4

The Specific SDG color and logo as per the UN

Since I am going into the education field, goal 4 is near and dear to my own personal goals of providing quality education. In the targets and indicators section of the United Nation’s website on SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) there are specifics into what this goal aims to do by 2030. Target 4.1 is getting students to complete primary and secondary school, 4.2 is quality pre-primary care and 4.6 where all youth and a substantial portion of adults both achieve literacy and numeracy.

There are ten targets in total, and I implore you look the other targets and explore the other goals at this site. There are 17 goals, ranging from ending poverty to affordable energy to even preserving wildlife. No matter what your are passionate about, there is a SDG for you!

Now you might be wondering “How has Covid-19 effected the SDG’s?” When looking at Goal 4 there has been an extreme drop in literary in countries that were on the rise before the pandemic.

This is an infographic given by the UN

This graphic above displays just how much literacy rates decreased during the pandemic. Not only did it drop in developing nations, but even in Europe and North America there was a severe decline. The need for Quality Education is now at the highest it has been in years. And with the end of the pandemic possibly insight, I believe there will be an explosion in education around the world.

But there is progress on Goal $ happening as we speak. Teachers across the world, and people without degrees, are helping those in need. According to the global goals website all you have to do donate to charity, take some online courses or even just donate your old books. Any educational material is welcomed. Teachers are helping by providing online classes so that students around the world can have access to language and math learning. In this day and age anyone can help, even with just a click of a button.

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