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Blog Post #4- Tatianna Competello

As I went through and read the seventeen goals that there are for the Sustainable Development Goals, the goal that had my interest the most is the fourth goal, which is Quality Education. As a future teacher, I want to make sure my students are feeling well, and ready to learn and engage in class. When a student is ready to learn and engage in a new lesson that is a good sign that they are eating well and confident about what is happening next. The most important part about Quality Education is reaching the goal. To start, it is important to know if your students are eating properly at home before coming to school. If your students are not eating right, or not eating at all they may have a hard time concentrating in school. It is a nice gesture as a teacher to always have a few snacks in class for students to pick on. 

This is the picture I chose for the first goal of this assignment.

According to the website, Medium.com with the article titled, “The Only 3 Things, You Need To Provide Quality Education.” there are only three important goals when it comes to delivering Quality Education. The first goal to be reached according to the article is, to study the material the students are learning in class outside of class at their own pace. Students should find a quiet place to study and review the work outside of class. Sometimes throughout the school day, students could get a lot of information thrown at them at once. Which leads to students not comprehending their work or forgetting what they learned at the end of the day. That is why it is so important for students to go over what they learned in class at home at their own pace. The article states that “Engaging with your curiosity and creativity is crucial for quality learning.” I could not agree with this statement enough. Students must find a fun and creative way to learn and understand their work. This way when the students look back at their work they will have a better chance of remembering it since it was turned into something fun. 

The second goal that needs to be reached to deliver Quality Education is, practicing with group learning. I think the best way for students to engage with each other in school is by creating assignments that have to do with group learning. This way students can get to know each other, and see what ideas everyone else has. When students get the opportunity to engage in group discussions it helps the students to think better on their own. According to the article, it states that “You see viewpoints you would not have thought about and can have multiple points of reference to retain more information. Verbalizing things you’ve previously learned also helps you create stronger connections in your brain.” I think this is an excellent point because when students get together in a group they can see the assignment from other students’ perspectives, and have them add more details to their assignment they would have never thought of on their own. The students could also learn the lesson better through each other. There may be some students struggling to understand what the teacher is explaining, but then once their classmates explain the lesson to them, the students understand the lesson properly. Some of these students can learn their information better by hearing it out loud from their classmates. This way they can retain the information differently than before. The whole point of this goal is to get the lesson that is being taught across to the students and making sure they understand and remember the information moving forward. 

The last goal that needs to be reached to deliver Quality Education is, doing one-on-one mentorship. Having a mentor or someone to look up to as you are doing your work can help you succeed. Having a mentor by your side can help you get rid of all the distractions around you by having you create a study pattern that works best for yourself. For this goal, it is important to help your students find skills that work best for them, and help your students when it comes to seeing how well they did with the lesson. When students have a mentor or tutor to turn to they start to feel confident with their work because they have someone alongside them boosting their confidence. A mentor does not always have to be an adult. As a teacher, you can group students together in the same classroom to work together and help each other if some students are struggling. This way the teacher can come around to each group and see how the students are doing in the group, and as individuals.

This is the second image I chose for the second goal, which is group learning.
This is the last picture I chose for the last goal which is working with a mentor/tutor.

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