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Blog Post 2- Collaboration- Tatianna Competello

This week we are writing a blog post on the topic of Collaboration. My understanding of the word collaboration is, a place of work where people come, and work together for the same reason or goal that they are working towards to benefit a purpose. In other words, this is when a place of business or a school wants to come together and work on a project that will benefit everyone around them. As always there are several skills that are needed when collaborating. The most important skill for this task is to make sure everyone is on the same page. The best way to do this is to gather some ideas about the topic you are working on and make sure everyone agrees with what is being said.

A few examples of collaboration would be working on shared documents, video calls, working on a community project, etc. Collaboration can be used in many ways such as in school. For example, teachers and parents can work together to help support their student’s learning in better ways. The teachers can create group chats for the students’ parents on apps such as Microsoft Education and this way the teachers can communicate with the parents and see what the best way for their children to learn is. This is also a great idea of collaboration because the teachers can keep the parents updated at all times. I think it’s a great idea for the parents to feel wanted and involved at all times. I am taking two classes this semester that include collaboration. Every week in my group I am assigned a few questions I have to answer with my group members and then post our answers in a group discussion for everyone else to see. We pick a day and a time every week to meet on Zoom as well, that way we can speak to each other face to face. After we post our answers, we can interact with people from other groups and see if they have the same ideas we do. This is a great way to explore new ideas and look at the topic from different perspectives.

This image shows teachers and students working together.

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