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“The Walk Through Eden”

Let’s take a minute to talk about a surreal life experience. I am of course talking about Paul Salopek’s 24,000-mile odyssey and his decade-long experiment in active journalism. In The Story, Paul is walking the pathways of the first humans who migrated out of Africa and into the modern-day world that we all know and love. I’m going to take you on a journey in Nation geographics “Out of Eden Walk”

The Mighty crossing of “Red Sea”

At the first start of this journey with Paul salopek we see him traveling by camel caravan out across the lands of the “Nomadic Afar” and starting his voyage toward the Indian Ocean. Paul Salopek and guide Ahmed Alema Hessan leave the Ethiopian village of Bouri and wander through a local desert tribe where they participate in local customs. Here this tribe relied heavily on the food source of the mighty Desert and its plentiful yet cruel bounty. I really felt like this was a demonstration of basic human nature.

Out of Eden Home Page - Out of Eden Walk
“Paul Salopek and crew crossing the barren lands”

The Journey of the sacred lands

The next part of our adventure takes us through the desert expanses of the Arabian Peninsula. Here Paul Salopek takes the walk and journeys towards the north into holy lands that created the three great monotheistic faiths. Here he journeys down the jorden and into Saudi Arabia. It was great to see how many cultures can go together in one region to worship their beliefs.

“there’s Nothing Bazar about it”

The Silroad crossing the “Caspian”

Our journey leads us to a few years ago in FEBRUARY 2018 Salopek and his journeymen are still on a quest. Here he crosses the threshold of Central Asia. it led us to modern-day country Kazakstan. on the ancient quest, he was on the start of the silk road as we knew it. Horses were domesticated in Kazakhstan and still are to this day. As cargo animals are essential to daily life there. It was eye-opening as a modern country also incorporated “living off the land.

The New Silk Road — John Stanmeyer
“Paul Salopek with his prized steed”

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