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Small Schools Make Big Change

As a future educator, I am always looking for new resources to incorporate in my classroom and after browsing we.org, a charity organization encouraging people to make a difference, I found many useful ideas for my future classroom. One in particular that was very encouraging was the West Side High School recycling initiative.

As a small school in Newark, New Jersey, many would believe that there isn’t much of a chance for these students to make a difference. However, when it comes to helping improve the environment, every person matters. West Side High School is making changes to encourage recycling and reduce waste, a problem Newark has dealt with for years. Contributing to waste reduction will help shift the perspective of the community from one of crime and violence to one of unity and social change.

I want to encourage my students that if they work hard, they can accomplish anything. That is exactly what West Side is showing here. Even though they are a small school, they can still make a significant impact in their community.

You can read more about how West Side High School is making a difference here.

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