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Learn About CBYX

What really is the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange? The CBYX is an international student exchange program that is funded by the U.S and german Governments that provides scholarships for high school students that are American or German. This allows students to travel and learn Abroad for a year of homestead academics.

How it Actually works

Students will have a placement with a carefully selected German host family and receive Admission to a German high school with Language lessons upon arrival in Germany. Their students will have orientation programs. Then they will have a cultural experience as a whole. In the program, the students attend meetings with U.S. and German Governments.

Why I was Impressed

I personally chose this blog because I felt related to it as I’m a Spanish language major. I came here as a high school student myself and now I’m studying to become a Teacher. This program has some pretty incredible features and I think studying abroad in any form is just an amazing experience.

All About the Culture

who wouldn’t want to experience a culture and learn a language through a full immersion experience? Learn about a culture first-hand by living with a host family and attending high school. This leads to a higher level of cultural acknowledgment that leaves you prepared for an ever-expanding competitive world.

 Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange

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