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Collaborating on Quizlet

About halfway through my first high school orientation day, the guidance counselor made us download an app called quizlet to our iPads, one I had never heard of before. I was not a fan of it at first, there was nothing giving me a reason I should use it, so I dismissed the app, thinking it would be something I would never use to help me study. Yet here I am, 6 years later, blogging about it, as well as creating study guides for myself and the students I observe for my fieldwork.

Image Creds: Quizlet

Quizlet, in a simplified form, is an application that is geared toward creating and using all different sorts of study tools and habits for students and teachers alike. While one can create study sets for themselves, the site contains an innumerous amount of study sets from anyone who publishes them. The site contains content from all subjects of all grades, the depth and variety is huge. This can provide an opportunity for students to work together by building a study set the entire class could use. Quizlet uses study sets that can test the user in various ways like multiple choice, true/false, and short answer. This testing is a feature called Quizlet Learn. But perhaps Quizlet’s most prized study tool is Quizlet Live.

Quizlet Live is the most classroom-engaging study tool the site has. I did not know it existed until my mentor teacher used it on his classes, and the response from the room was amazing. Similar to Kahoot, another fun classroom tool, Quizlet Live is in real-time, pairing the students against each other in a race to complete the study set they are using.

A Quizlet Live match with teams
Image Creds: Dr. Jessica D. Redcay
Twitter: @RedcayResources

It can be individual or teams, and the latter is where the most collaboration is seen. It is competitive and all about the coursework in the study set. This encourages the students to learn the material and they end up pushing each other to understand it in order to win. The best part about Quizlet Live is that everyone has an equal chance to play and win. It does not matter if the student is an athlete that competes regularly or if it is a student who favors Drama and clubs. The reason Quizlet Live is such a great tool is because win or lose, the students understand how to learn and work together, which provides them with great experience of teamwork.

If you enjoyed this blog let me know on Twitter: @schnick0414

Want to see Quizlet Live in Action? Check out a few of these clips below from teachers on Twitter as well!




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