Category Archives: Nymphalids

December 2012 Compilation

Black swallowtail caterpillar photo’d by Will Kerling on 12-22-12 in Cape May Point. (When will we see the first flying adults of this species in 2013?) Nine butterfly species flew in South Jersey in December: cabbage white orange sulphur cloudless … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Late Dates, Nymphalids, Pierids | Comments Off on December 2012 Compilation

Will K on Year’s Close

Red admiral photo’d by Will Kerling on 12-4-12 at Cape May Point. This species will apparently be the last recorded this year — on 12-23-12, also by Will. Will Kerling has been carefully following the persistence of four species of … Continue reading

Posted in Late Dates, Looking At Our Data, Nymphalids, Pierids | Comments Off on Will K on Year’s Close

Hybrid Viceroy

Dave Amadio’s sharp observing led him to photograph this apparently hybrid butterfly in his backyard in West Deptford on October 19. He reports: This is at least the 2nd Limenitis archippus/arthemis hybrid that I have seen this year. I had … Continue reading

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Monarchs, Monarchs, Monarchs

Monarch roost photo’d by Pat Sutton (details below) 9-25-12. Lots of us got our starts chasing after butterflies because of fall monarch flights, and the wonderful phenomenon may be peaking for 2012 this weekend, with thousands of individuals along our … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Bronze copper, our only report of the year, photo’d by Dave Amadio on Sunset Drive, Salem County, 9-9-12. As everyone who visits our log knows by now, Cape May has been the hottest of hot spots for the last couple … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids, Out-of-Area Reports, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Southbound & Historic?

Painted ladies — one small sample — photo’d by Will Kerling at Cape May Point on 8-26-12. August closed with a flurry of memorable sightings during the last week, including: –> long-tailed skipper (the first one found by Chris Tonkinson … Continue reading

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Mid-August Gallery

Little yellow, photo’d up close and personal by Will Kerling at Cape May Courthouse, 8-11-12. The last ten days or so have provided such a whirlwind of butterfly events that it’s hard to keep track of them all, including: *** … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Lycaenids, Nymphalids, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Mid-August Gallery

Limenitis Complexities

A “white admiral” butterfly in South Jersey? Photo by Kerri Sellers, Rancocas Nature Center, 8-2-12 Kerri Sellers of the Rancocas Nature Center managed to photo the eye-catching butterfly above with her cell phone on Thursday, Aug 2. The Nature Center … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Nymphalids | Comments Off on Limenitis Complexities

Salem Co Calling All Butterflyers!

The next generation emerging: a checkered white caterpillar, photo’d by Dave Amadio in Salem County, 7-28-12. Have you been pulling out your maps to calculate the drive time to Featherbed Lane and environs? Dave Amadio reports on his day in … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Nymphalids, Pierids | Comments Off on Salem Co Calling All Butterflyers!

Mid-June SJBF Happenings

This Edward’s hairstreak (and two others) at the Hesstown power lines, photo’d by Will Kerling on 6-16-12, means we have found all five South Jersey Satyrium species in June. Hey, South Jersey Butterflyers, lots of action lately — and apparently … Continue reading

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