Author Archives: connorj

Mid-May Report

Up close and personal view of little wood satyr photo’d by Will Kerling at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, 5-14-12, a species new for 2012, as of 5-8-12. Halfway through the month, we have recorded 50 species for May (and 55 … Continue reading

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Add Another for April

Our count for April 2012 (see April Compilation) has gained another species: dusted skipper (above) found and photo’d by Bill Grant near Bevan Wildlife Management Area, Dividing Creek on 4-29-12. Nice job tracking down this hard-to-find, spring-only species, Bill! That … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Looking At Our Data, Pierids, Skippers | 1 Comment

More Observations of May 4th Flight

Will Kerling managed to capture all three species of the migrating flocks in one image at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve. It’s hard to keep up with the red admiral/Am lady/question mark flight, as it is continuing. For the most recent … Continue reading

Posted in Migration, Nymphalids | 4 Comments

From South to North: Spectacular!

Red admiral, photo by Pat Sutton in Goshen (Cape May County) 5/4/12. Hey, everyone: Whew! Can this continue? If you are new to our log and blog and have come here in response to the red admiral, American lady, and … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Migration, Nymphalids | 1 Comment

Send your reports about today’s flight

Red admirals nectaring on black cherry, part of the ginormous flight today, 5-4-12, photo by Pat Sutton in Goshen (Cape May County). This is just a rushed note, hoping to solicit responses from anyone who observed today’s huge flight of … Continue reading

Posted in Migration, Nymphalids | 4 Comments

April Compilation: The Action Continues

Variegated fritillary, photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Courthouse (Cape May Co), 4-30-12. Male pipevine swallowtail, photo by Ro Wilson, Medford Leas (Burlington Co) 4-17-12 Depending on how you count, one or the other of the species above was our … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Late Dates, Looking At Our Data, Migration | Comments Off on April Compilation: The Action Continues

Please Note Red Admiral Irruption

This morning’s rain (Wednesday 5/2/12 a.m.) might put a temporary hold on yesterday’s massive flight of red admirals seen throughout South Jersey (apparently) as well as northward. If this irruption follows pattern of past years, we should see more of … Continue reading

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Can you name either of these butterflies?

An anglewing, sp. photo’d by Harvey Tomlinson in the Great Swamp (Morris Co) on 4-21-12 Harvey Tomlinson has sent along the photo above as an unsolved puzzle: Is it a comma or a question mark? He points out that the … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Lycaenids, Nymphalids | 1 Comment

A Thousand Entries, Two New Skippers, & Admiral Immigration

Least skipper, photo’d by Chip Krilowicz, Supawna Meadows, Salem Co, 4-20-12 We have reached 1100 entries for April with more than a week left to go. (Last year we totaled 880 for the whole month.) And our log’s year list, … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Looking At Our Data, Migration, Nymphalids, Skippers | Comments Off on A Thousand Entries, Two New Skippers, & Admiral Immigration

Ides of April IDs

Cobweb skipper, found and photo’d by Pennsylvania butterflyer Bill Grant in Dividing Creek, 4-15-12 The cobweb skipper above gives our group’s log thirty-eight species of butterflies for the first half of April and thirty-nine species for the year. (Summer azure, … Continue reading

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