Hayhurst’s scallopwing by Pat Sutton in her Goshen garden on July 26.
As always, SJBF Project photographers have been documenting sightings throughout our area. Here are just few of their recent shots — with at least one from each of our eight counties.

Dion skipper by Pat Sutton in her Goshen garden (Cape May County) on July 22.

Meadow fritillary by Steve Glynn on our group’s trip to Salem County led by Dave Amadio, August 1.

A tawny-edged skipper by Jesse Amesbury in his garden in Cape May Courthouse on August 5.

White-m hairstreak by Chip Krilowicz at Franklin Parker Preserve (Burlington County) on August 12.

Great spangled fritillary by Sandra Keller in Salem County on August 15.

Gray hairstreak by Marilyn Henry in Cape May Meadows.

Appalachian brown by Kevin Inman, not too far from “The Bridge to Nowhere” in Manahawkin (Ocean County) on August 14.

A spicebush swallowtail egg found and photo’d by Chris Herz in her garden in Audubon (Camden County) on August 16.

Variegated fritillaries mating by Jack Miller in Bridgeton (Cumberland County) on August 16.

Harvester at Chestnut Branch Park (Gloucester County) photographed by Dave Amadio on August 16.

Wooly aphids, harvester cat’s prey, by Dave Amadio, Chestnut Branch, August 16.

Checkered white by Steve Glynn in Millville (Cumberland County), August 16.

Spicebush swallowtails by Steve Glynn in Millville, August 16.

Summer azure by Jack Connor Port Republic garden (Atlantic County) on August 17.
Thanks to these contributors for passing along their photos. If you are willing to share your photos here, send them as jpegs (preferably less than 2 megs each) to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. Please be sure to log in your data first on our spreadsheet. Thank you!