May is a good month for butterfly photographers as demonstrated by three of our observers here:
Juniper hairstreak photo’d by Will Kerling on High Beach on May 18.
Male sachem nectaring at High Beach, photo’d by Will Kerling on May 18.
Frosted elfin eggs photo’d by Will Kerling in CMCH on May 22.
Least skipper photo’d by Will Kerling on May 24.
Viceroy photo’d by Will Kerling on May 24.
Up-close shot of little wood satyr by Will Kerling on May 24.
Little wood satyr photo’d by Jack Miller on May 25.
Tawny-edged skipper photo’d by Jack Miller in his yard in Petersburg on May 25.
Dusted skipper at Bevan WMA on May 25, photo’d by Matt Orsie.
Hessel’s hairstreak at Rt 72 sandmyrtle spot, photo’d by visiting West Virginian butterflyer Matt Orsie on May 25, a new late date for our log.
For an account of his day in NJ and also nice shots of some West Virginian butterflies go to Matt Orsie’s blog:
West Virginia Butterflies
Keep those photos coming, everyone. Send to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom.
Thank you.