2000+ Reports for August…and still counting

Monarch drying its wings after emerging from its chrysalis, photo'd by Will Kerling in  Cape May County 8-11-13.

Monarch drying its wings after emerging from its chrysalis, photo’d by Will Kerling in Cape May County 8-11-13.

August has been good for us so far: as of 8-19-13 we have more than 2000 individual reports, including our first Ocola skipper for the year (found by Chris Tonkinson in the CMBO garden on 8-15-13), the first bronze copper reports for Cumberland County in our 6 years of logging (Brian & Karen Johnson on the west side of the Cohansey River on 8-9-13 and 8-17-13), and lots else. See the live log for the details — and keep the reports coming, everyone!

Please send any shots you are willing to share on this blog to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. JPEG format works the best. Thank you all!

Monarch chrysalis, photo'd by Will Kerling 8-11-13.

Monarch chrysalis, photo’d by Will Kerling 8-11-13.

Meadow fritillary photo'd by Dave Amadio in Salem County on 8-9-13.

Meadow fritillary photo’d by Dave Amadio in Salem County on 8-9-13.

Tiger swallowtail egg on Prunus virginiana, Jesse Connor's garden, Atlantic County, 8-7-13.

Tiger swallowtail egg on Prunus virginiana, Jesse Connor’s garden, Atlantic County, 8-7-13.

Small-eyed sphinx moth, Paonias myops, in Jamie Cromartie's backyard, Atlantic County, 8-10-13.

Small-eyed sphinx moth, Paonias myops, in Jamie Cromartie’s backyard, Atlantic County, 8-10-13.

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