See them now or….

Could September & October be the best season to chase butterflies in southern NJ? The diversity is down, but so is the heat — and there’s something especially rewarding about taking our last looks…

Some October 2011 photos:

A painted lady (a species down in numbers this year), photo’d by Dave Amadio in his garden in West Deptford (Gloucester Co), 10-1-11.

Ocola skipper at the Triangle Garden, Cape May Point, 10-7-11 photo’d by Will Kerling.

A late zabulon, photo’d by Dave Amadio in his garden in West Deptford, 10-15-11.

Male white-m hairstreak on aster in Avalon, 10-17-11, photo’d by Will Kerling.

Long-tailed skipper in Cynthia Allen’s garden in Cape May Courthouse, 10-19-11, photo’d by Sylvia Armstrong.

Male fiery skipper in Jesse Connor’s garden in Port Republic (Atlantic Co), 10-22-11.

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