ASL Club

Every Tuesday at 8 pm in room f111, American Sign Language club holds a meeting. I first found out about the club at the get involved fair three weeks ago but I went to my first meeting just last Tuesday. I really wanted to go to the meetings because I am a social work major and sign-language would be really useful in my future career. I have long been interested in learning sign-language, but I have never had the opportunity too.

The first half of the meeting was run like a lecture, where one person was in the front teaching and everyone was following along. It did not feel like a class though because after she showed us a motion we all did it too, so it was very interactive. We did not do anything too advanced. We learned words like friend and student.  We also learned all of the colors and the alphabet. After we learned all the new words, we broke off into groups so that we could practice. We asked simple questions like, “What is your name?” and “What year are you in?” It was amazing how much information I learned about people just by signing to them. At the end of the meeting they had sign-up sheets for all of the events that they were going to be doing for the rest of the year.

After the club, I felt really proud of everything that I had learned. I did not learn enough to have a full-fledged conversation with someone and I do not remember everything that we went over, but the club helped me to understand that learning basic sign-language is not that hard. When someone loses their hearing, they lose their primary form of communication. If everybody learned basic sign language, like the alphabet and simple greetings, then deaf people would have a much easier time communicating with rest of the world. I believe that ASL club is one of the most important clubs on campus because it helps students learn a skill that is very important, yet not very prevalent, in our society.

Blog Post Eleven – Celebration of Service

After participating in the Day of Scholarship, I wanted to share my Service Learning project with even more people and decided to attend the Celebration of Service on April 10th. The event was from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that Tuesday located in the F-Wing Atrium, by the library. There were multiple clubs, organizations, and event information available throughout the day. I was really excited to participate in this event because I wanted to showcase my work once again and I even got my own table to present my service project! Also from attending the event, I obtained information from Student Development to help me promote my event, the Celebration of Creativity, as well as was introduced to a Marketing professor that helped me gain insightful information about the field I am currently working in.

However, compared to the Day of Scholarship, I wanted to discuss and promote the event itself, on April 21st, rather than discuss my experience with the project. The location was to everyone’s benefit because students, faculty, and staff travel through that area often throughout the day. Presenters, like me, were encouraged to bring flyers, pictures, and any other means of promotional or educational material. For example, I used the same tri-fold from the Day of Scholarship, but brought more flyers, magazines, and stood by my poster to encourage participation. Even though this was the 1st Annual Celebration of Service and I think it was a great success and hope that even more individuals and groups will be present next year!


Between the ages of 3 and 13, I was a competitive dancer. I practically lived at the studio; I ate dinner there, did my homework there, and took naps in between dance classes. In 8th grade, I quit dance and started playing field hockey. Even though I am an athlete now, I will always have dance in my bones.

When I came to Stockton and found out that there were Zumba classes being offered to students for free twice a week, I was ecstatic. I love working out and I love dancing; Zumba was the perfect combination of the two. What is so great about these Zumba classes is the amount of people that attend each class. There are easily 100 people at each class, each of them dancing like there is no tomorrow! These students are having a fun time while getting a great workout. The instructors say that you can burn up to 500 calories each workout! It is so hard to not get into the blasting music and the contagious dance moves!

It doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or a boy, coordinated or not, Zumba is a great way to spend your Monday and Wednesday nights, especially as a freshman. The classes are located in I wing gym which is not a far walk from the freshman dorms, and are only an hour long. Zumba is definitely worth attending! I highly advise any Stockton student who enjoys loud music, dancing, and working out to give it a shot! You will not regret it!

Blog Post Ten – Day of Scholarship

The Day of Scholarship, on March 22nd, was a wonderful event where individual students or a group of students were promoted to present any type of service or educational project they have been working on from the fall 2011 semester or spring 2012 semester. I am currently a student in Public Health Marketing and the Honors Program, both which take part in Service Learning. For both of these courses, I wanted to attend the Day of Scholarship and discuss the work with the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum for my Service Learning Project. I made a tri-fold poster that talked about the museum, the fundraiser event we would be having on April 21st, and my experience working on this project.

This Service Project I am completing has become so much more than just a requirement for my class. I am involved in marketing work for the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum. It is a non-profit organization that is in need of much assistance and I am happy to say that I am a part of the helping process. I am also being assisted in this project by another Stockton student, Stephanie Mak, and two very important role models in the marketing field, Sherri Brentari and Karen Komo. Our main work has consisted of putting together an event to bring more attention to the museum and involve Stockton even more in the community. This opportunity has changed me in so many ways. I now feel confident in myself to take on larger responsibilities and become more involved in marketing and Stockton activities.

Sherlock Holmes

An event I have attended at Stockton was the Sherlock Holmes live play. I purchased a ticket for this event, at a discounted student rate. It was not a Stockton group performing the play, but a professional acting company performing their work for us, and for the general public who purchased tickets.

The play began with a violin solo, which was interesting and beautiful. It was well played. Upon closer inspection, one could see that Sherlock was, in fact, played by a woman. This was extremely interesting, and she played the role incredibly. There was not an obvious difference in the ways the character behaved because she was female, which was great.

The first act featured a girl who was suspicious of a governess position that had been offered to her. Good thing, because the family was hiding something: their  daughter. The mystery was solved by Holmes, of course, and the governess left her position. In the second act, a man complained to Holmes that his wife was sneaking out late at night. At first, they presumed she was cheating. However, with more investigation, they discovered that she had a daughter she was hiding because she was half black, and did not think her new lover would accept her child. The story was well acted, and everyone in the cast did a great job.

Although I had to leave early and missed the third act, Sherlock Holmes was a great performance and experience. The actors, especially Sherlock, were talented and performed to the best of their ability, showing their passion for their work. The stories were well thought-out, and intrigued the audience appropriately. Sherlock Holmes was an awesome event to attend at Stockon, and I would definitely keep my eyes open for more opportunities to come.

Blog Post Nine – Building Battles

On Tuesday March 27th, I woke up looking forward to a whole day of no classes and attending Building Battles! The reason we had no classes was because it was Preceptor Day for the upper class-men so I was excited to spend the day “battling the other buildings.” I have had the pleasure to part take in this event as a result of staying on campus in the dorms for my freshman year. The entire day was filled with great music, food, and activities for each building. The day was set up so that each building would be challenging the others in all different types of competitions.

These competitions were super fun, but some difficult for my building of all girls, such as the Tug-a-War battle. There was a Stockton Trivia Quiz, in which I learned some new, fun facts about the school, such as the tunnel connecting the bottom of F-Wing to the Campus Center. My floor even won the blueberry pie eating contest, and like I said we were all girls! My favorite battles were the two giant blow-up activities. The most fun blow-up was the two huge connected slides that you had to race your opponent on, and I am happy to say I won on that one! We took a break to enjoy delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers that had been provided for us. The rest of the day consisted of a flag battles, pyramid-people building, and much more. I wish I could stay in the dorms next year to do this event again!

Blog Post Eight – Keeping in Shape at Stockton

The day I decided to go to the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey I could not have been more excited and thrilled. However, no matter where I was going I dreaded gaining the Freshman Fifteen because I would be dorming, as well as getting a meal plan. At first, I was nervous about the choices I would make because of the Dunkin’ Donuts, Chick-Flit-A, Johnny Rockets, and Primo’s Pizza. However, after adjusting to my first semester here, I realized that it was possible for me to still maintain my weight, while enjoying my college experience.

By working for the Athletic Department, I became aware of the different services available to members of Stockton Community. I was introduced to the fitness coordinator, nutritionist and to the programs I can take in part in throughout the semesters here. My favorite fitness programs are Yoga and Boxercise! They are so much fun, yet I am still able to get a good workout. As a result of visiting the fitness coordinator, I had a fitness assessment completed to find out what areas I should work on while visiting the gym upstairs in the Sports Center. After visiting the nutritionist, I figured out that I can still work with my meal plan to maintain a healthy diet, while still enjoying the other treats, such as a delicious cookies-n-cream milk shake from Johnny Rockets, every once in a while.

Good Morning Sunshine!

There is always something breath taking in the sunrise. The colors that creep across and stain the sky, the taste of the crisp cold air before the sun is up to warm the world, the stillness you are a part of because in these magic hours most living creatures dare not stir. Breath Taking.

Five times a week, I am the audience to the natural occurrences of the early hours. Monday Wednesday Friday, six am. Tuesday Thursday, five am. Whether the team is in I-wing gym, lifting with the strength and conditioning coach, Christian Allen, or out on the field with Coach Maurizi, every morning brings new challenges both physically and mentally to build us into the best team we can be, as well as a family. Joining the Women’s Lacrosse team was the right decision. My experiences with my coaches, training staff, and teammates have brought me new-found friends and fills my extra hours with activity that is healthy for my body. We do cardio pieces on the track, cardio skill drills, and lifting for legs, arms, back, and chest. Nothing beats those early morning practices on the field. Doing drills and having a stick in my hands makes me feel like I’ve found my place. Although most mornings we are up before the sun and before college life stirs on campus, it is worth it to be a part of something bigger than myself. Some days when it is near impossible to get out of bed, I think about my teammates and how they are depending on me being there, and also how their energy and happiness will get me through the workout. Stockton Athletics is an amazing program, with amazing people working to make me and other athletes live to our full potential. They take care of us like family, nurse our injuries, keep an eye on our grades, and make sure we are juggling everything. Its comforting to know if I ever felt overwhelmed I would have a concerned support staff to coach me through and help me make decisions best for my life. I am pumped for the upcoming pre-season and regular season, I am confident we will succeed in all our endeavors.

Blog Post Seven – Steve Green and The Elevators

In the beginning of the spring semester, I had the pleasure to enjoy a great night of music on Monday, January 30th. The songs were performed by a group I had previously not heard of called Steve Green and The Elevators. The main artist of the group was the talented Steve Green, who was accompanied by a few other brilliant musicians to form one interesting night of entertainment. I had such a great time listening to them that night because their music incorporated all different types of styles. These styles included jazz, rock, hip-hop, gospel, and much more that surprisingly when all came together were actually quite good!

I felt so inclined to see them that night for the reason that I wanted to broaden my taste in music. The other reason was that I used to play the electric guitar before I came to college. I was hoping that from watching others play an instrument I used to take so much pride in, would spark my interest to play again, which it did. However, although the event did spark my interest to pick up my guitar again, I was more inspired to play the music I initially loved, instead of the new music I was exposed to that night. In the end though, the crowd and I still really enjoyed the songs that were played for us and I encourage others to visit their website and take pleasure in their music.

Blog Post Six – Stockton’s 11th Annual SIBS Event

On Saturday March 31st, 2012, the 11th Annual SIBS event at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey took place. The event was from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Sports Center and was really great. As a freshman, this is the first SIBS event I attended and it was so much fun I can not wait for the event next year. My parents and family were not able to come down to the event, so I invited my boyfriend to spend the day with me attending the different activities the school was offering that day, such as the Environmental Forum earlier that morning and the movie night later on in the evening.

Although the event was more aimed towards younger children, for example the featured blow-up attractions, my boyfriend and I were still able to enjoy the event. The first thing we did was take our picture in the booth set up in the middle of the gym. After that, we grabbed a plate of food and watched the K-9 unit and police officer presentations. My boyfriend is a police officer so the presentations were really entertaining to the both of us. Even though we were not able to stay for the rest of the event, we acknowledged some of the groups that made the day possible included the Hero Campaign, Neighborhood Watch, SAFER, Atlantic County SWAT, Atlantic City Bomb Squad, NJ State Police CSI, South Jersey Fire Departments, and south Jersey EMS Units.