Get Involved Fair

One of the annual events at Stockton University is the Get Involved Fair which was on the 19th and 20th of September this year. The fair is located in the main campus building with tables set up, all the way from B –wing continuing through most of the main campus building. The purpose of the Get Involved Fair is to not only encourage the new freshman and transfers, but also previous year students at Stockton University to join and get involved in all that Stockton University has to offer. There are various things to get involved in such as sororities and fraternities, all different types of clubs, and even volunteer activities. Essentially, it is said that there is something for everyone; you just have to find that something at this fair. The convenience of the Get Involved Fair is that you have access to meeting up with almost every organization in Stockton just to get their perspective and mission of the organization before making the decision of joining the organization and they are all located in one convenient location, the main campus center. Since it is in the convenient location, the main campus center, the Get Involved Fair is not only hard to miss due to the buzzing energy, but it is also hard to avoid if you are in the main campus center, since, wherever you go in that building the constant sound of the fair is heard. Joining multiple organizations shows your commitment to not only the education that everyone has can gain at Stockton University but also the overall experience of college. The overall experience of college include multiple things such as making friends, getting involved, gaining an education, and this list can continue endlessly, but the point is that college is more than just about getting an education. Aside from the education that you will be getting in the classrooms, the Get Involved fair is the best place to begin to experience the overall college experience, where you can choose to get involved in what the college has to offer. At the same time as getting involved and signing up for these organizations, you are gaining friends that have the same interests as you or who share the same life goals as you for example, you might befriend someone that is as passionate as you about going to dental school, who you first meet at the Pre-Health club. Also, not only are you gaining friends and getting involved, but you are also building your resume up for potential employers and graduate schools with combinations of clubs, sports, sororities, fraternities, and volunteer hours. Many of the people that are sitting at the tables trying to recruit people are incredible in a way that these people are great at putting the mission of the club out to the people walking by in the hallways and convincing people to join the club that people actually feel bad not joining the club. Also, free items are usually at every table drawing people into the table, where they would listen or read what the club is about. Overall, the Get Involved Fair is one of the best ways to kick-start the year that leads to a more positive college experience and for future goals.