Washington Internship Seminar
I attended a seminar for the Washington Internships that the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey offers. The internships are run through the Washington Center, a well –known internship organization. Stockton has sent the most students out of any college in the country, which lands our students a discount of 2,500 dollars!
The internships are mainly in the summer in the metropolitan area among various organizations. An intern can work for a non-profit organization or a government organization such as the C.I.A. It all depends on the student’s taste. There are also study abroad internships in places such as Paris, France and Sydney, Australia.
Internships are a great idea for a college student. Students get work-experience they would not be able to get inside the classroom. This experience is crucial when applying for a job after college. The organizations students intern for can make an awesome reference for their job resume. Also, college students can find jobs related to their majors and see if they like what they are studying in a real world situation.
To pay for an internship is no different than paying for tuition and housing here at Stockton. It works exactly the same way, which is extremely easy for a student. An internship seems like a super smart idea for a student who wants a step ahead when applying for a job. Seems like I’m going to have to check out which ones I’m interested in!

S.E.T. Hosts Bingo!

On December 5, 2011 I went and played a bingo game that was sponsored by the Stockton Entertainment Team.  I was invited out by my fellow honors friend and I really had a blast. I did not know that the Stockton Entertainment Team hosted a bingo night and I wish I would have known this before the end of the semester. There was an ice cream bar for us as well thank you to S.E.T.’s generosity.  There was chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors with a few different topping choices available. We played various strategies in order to attain a “BINGO” shout. We played all four corners, five in a row, pig in a basket, the outside border, and an L-shape. Stockton does a splendid job offering activities to keep the students actively engaged on campus during the evenings. I am not normally a bingo goer but I wanted some kind of stress relief during the week of finals. My other friend won a pair of tickets to the movie theater and I also did not know that these raffles occurred during the bingo game. I had the misconception that only elderly adults played bingo, but it stimulated my mind much more than I expected. We were allowed to use four bingo board games at a time and that is much more stimulating to one’s brain than I would expect. The woman who called the different spaces moved at a very energetic pace. Now I understand why people encourage the elderly to play this game because it really does stimulate the mind subconsciously.  Overall my night was very nice and I enjoyed my time; I hope to be more involved and aware with the different activities that various clubs hold on campus.



I saw Dracula on October 27th at seven in the Performing Arts Center. It was performed by the Atlantic City Ballet Theatre, a company I danced with during highschool. Dance has always been some part of my life, ever since I was a little girl; When I was younger, I would come to Stockton around Christmas time to see The Nutcracker and that was always a great memory for me. Dracula was no exception. When I heard about the show I was so excited to see it. I was required to go for my ballet class but I would have gone even if that was not the case. To be completely honest, I did not know the plot of Dracula whatsoever. I have always sort of known what it was about, although watching the ballet was challenging because there was nothing to explain what was going on. During intermission I read the summary in the playbill so I could catch up. Dracula had amazing choreography although very creepy music, lighting, and costumes. Red lights filled the stage and the music was eerie, to say the least. People became possessed at many points in the ballet and how the dances changed due to their feelings was interesting. It was a great experience and I encourage everyone, even if it might not be your thing, to go see a ballet!

-Victoria Starner

Dancing at Lughnasa

I attended the play Dancing at Lughnasa on November 20th in the Performing Arts Center here at Stockton. The play was a memory play of a man named Michael, back in rural Donegal in August of 1936.This took place during the harvest festival of Lughnasa. The play was of five maiden sisters, one whom is Michael’s mother, and their brother Jack. Uncle Jack, played by Rodger Jackson a honors freshmen seminar professor here at Stockton, was a missionary who had just returned from spending time in Africa. He had malaria and consequently was losing his memory and his faith.
The concept of a memory play is a lot different then the last play the PAC performed, Much Ado About Nothing. Memory plays are plays that focus on the past as narrated by the main character. Because of this point of view the audience does not necessarily see the narrator act out their role in their memory. I have never seen this type of play before, it is a very interesting concept. Because I have not seen a memory play before it made it difficult at first to understand what exactly was going on in the play. Unlike most plays, Dancing at Lughnasa did not have an underlying message to it. There was no theme, it was just a memory of a man. This was unusual for me but not necessarily bad. It was refreshing to watch a play that was different from every other one I have seen. The set of the play was very nicely done, I really enjoyed the way it was constructed. It provided some direction for one to formulate their own setting. One could just imagine the green grass outside that Michael played in, or the hallway that led to Uncle Jack’s room.
The Irish accents the actors had used were nicely done. They were very believable to the audience, and seemed to flow naturally from the actor. All of the actors were given very real and powerful roles in this play, each had successfully performed theirs. When a play is depressing and does not contain a happy ending, the characters become harder to portray. The depth of the characters is very important and is difficult to acted out properly. Over all the play, Dancing at Lughnasa, was a success in my eyes. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to see the next play that the PAC performers have.

Movie Nights at Stockton

Every Thursday night and most Saturday nights, the campus center theater plays new movies before they are released on DVD. There is also an opportunity to win raffle prizes, like gift cards for Wawa or movie posters, at the very end. Why not try to win a Wawa gift card? Stockton students love Wawa. In general, the movie nights are a very fun experience. It has the movie theater feel without the movie theater price. It is completely free for any Stockton student. There are even free snacks and refreshments, but you have to get there a bit early before they run out. The doors open at 8, but the movie does not start until 8:30. During that in between time, old Looney Tunes cartoons play. In that aspect, it is very reminiscent of an old time movie theater. Back in the early days of movie theaters, they played cartoons before movies, so it brings about a slightly nostalgic feeling of simpler times, even though none of us were alive in that time period. Even still, it is a great way to spend time with friends or even your boyfriend and girlfriend. There is nothing wrong with a free date. Since most of us are poor college kids, these movie nights are great because they are free and we do not have to spend an arm and a leg like we do if we go to any other movie theater. I would recommend these movie nights at the campus center to anyone, especially those looking for a fun way to spend their Thursday or Saturday nights without having to spend a penny.

Students, Faculty, and Staff Dinner

This dinner has occurred for 27 years now, and it brings all of the students, faculty, and staff who attend closer together. This was held on November 17 in the Campus Center Event Room and was sponsored by Student Development.

This dinner included an opening done by none other than Stockton’s all female A Capella group, Stockata. They opened with “Fallin’” by Alicia Keys in their own unique A Capella style. There was also a solo done A Capella by a student from the Gospel Choir. Utilizing both students and faculty to open the dinner made for a very fun and cohesive atmosphere.

Eventually after the singing and several speeches, Bill Daly was honored with an award for being such an amazing teacher to many Stockton students and changing their lives dramatically. After his award, the dinner began, and everyone was free to mingle and speak with the faculty they brought or some they did not.

I personally loved this event. As a member of Stockata, it was great to sing one of our songs for everyone that we had worked so hard on. We even got invited to stay and eat at our own table, all 14 of us! I liked listening to the speeches of the faculty, and even saw some great teachers I plan to have classes with some day. Though none of my professors were available due to prior engagements or because they were already invited by someone else, this event was a good one. People need to realize that it is not just students, faculty, and staff at this college. This dinner was able to show me and many others that this college is made up of the relationships between these groups of people, and that makes all the difference.


Things Hurricane Sandy has Taught Me

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and while we all may salivate at the thought of mashed potatoes and turkey legs piled five feet high, many students will return to Stockton and scatter to tie up any lose ends of their fall semester. Finals will begin, underclassmen and upperclassmen alike cramming to complete late night study sessions. The majority will turn to the espresso at the Bean’s List to roll out of bed in the morning and truck through their final exams. Frankly, in the life of college students, finals season isn’t really much to be thankful for. But I implore that the students of Stockton take this time of thanks giving to reflect on the many gifts life has to offer.

Hurricane Sandy has taught me many things. It has taught me that, in times of great need and despair, humanity is truly caring. Just recently, a woman from Barnes and Noble’s customer service took the time to ask me how my family was fairing even as I was yelling at her from the other line of the phone. She saw that our college was in an area affected by Hurricane Sandy and wanted to make sure we were all okay. It was at that moment that I realized that I’ve been worrying about the less important things in life. Rather than make a scene that my The Perks of Being a Wallflower novel was sent to a man named George in Monroe Township(and NOT me), I’m thankful that this woman took the time to show her concern for the areas of New Jersey ravished by Hurricane Sandy. I am thankful that my family is safe and my home is intact. I am thankful that we still have a college to take those dreadful finals in.

Stockton has truly risen to its full potential in this time of need. Clothing and food drives have taken place, and Dean Pedro Santana has offered his compassion and commitment to students who have experienced devastating loss. Clubs like Water Watch have devoted their time to help residents of the barrier islands and surrounding areas pick up the pieces and rebuild their communities. Katherine Austin, a fellow Honors student, has initiated a t-shirt sale in which all proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross. Perhaps Stockton is so involved because this devastation hits so close to home-outside of our windows, down the street, maybe even our own homes. But I would like to think that our community would care even if this hurricane were in the Gulf of Mexico or on the coast of California. The Stockton family is composed of some of the most caring, compassionate, and devoted human beings that I have ever met; Hurricane Sandy has opened my eyes to this.

I am thankful to spend this upcoming season with my family. I am thankful for my home, my friends, and my church community. I am thankful for the students and faculty at Stockton who have stepped up in this time of devastation and reminded me that humanity is truly good. These are the things Hurricane Sandy has taught me.


Honors Executive Board Candidates 2012

Remember to vote! Check for an email on November 28 with a link to the ballot. You will have until Nov 30 to vote. Only one ballot per Honors student, please!

Student Director

William Goodheart

My name is Bill Goodheart and I am a sophomore here at Stockton and I currently hold the position of Peer Mentoring Advisor. I believe that I am best for the position of Student Director because I have dedicated myself to the Honors Program. I am very well organized, I am good under pressure, and I have experience being on the Executive Board. Being the Peer Mentoring Advisor, I have grown to be personable and cooperative with the many of the students in the program. When I joined the program a little over a year ago, I didn’t know that I was becoming a part of a family, and a successful family at that. I will strive to see the continuing success of the program until my graduation in 2014 as Student Director or not. I am not running for this position for myself, but for the whole of the Honors Program.

Assistant Director

Sage Mitchell

My name is Sage, and I’m from Wharton, New Jersey. I’m a freshman in the Honors Program, and I’m running for the position of Assistant Director. I think I would be good for this position because as a freshman, I have ample opportunity left in college to help improve the Honors Program. Though this is my first year in college, I have a solid grasp of how the program works, and I have ideas on how to improve it. If elected, I intend to work closely with the rest of the Honors Board, as well as everyone in the program to help everyone get through their college years a little easier.

Matthew Widjaja

Dear team, (no I’m not here to report another dead computer)

I am Matt Widjaja, and I am running for Assistant Student Director for two reasons. First, I know I have what it takes. I am the geek who is respectful of the past, mindful of the current, and dedicated towards a stable future program. I have the experience of being in this program long enough to know what works and what doesn’t work. I want to prepare the Executive Board, Program’s Communication, and Computer F244-2 for the future, not because it’ll be easy, but because it’ll be hard.
Second of all, I know you have what it takes. I want to hear what you feel and think about this program, because if you don’t express your thoughts, no one will ever know and nothing will change. I’m doing this because I love all of you and this program so much. Without this fantastical community, I would not be as successful as I am today. I know I’m in the Sophomore class, but I promise to represent you, irregardless of your class, major, housing preference, and Mac vs. Windows preference (yes I just said that). We need to remain protective of the foundation our upperclassmen & alumni left for us, while being fearless to build upon its successes. And you can bet all your flex dollars that I will represent this program until the very end.
I am Matt Widjaja, and I would be honored to represent you as the Assistant Student Director of the Honors Program.


Jaime Kinter

Hi kids, Jaime Kinter here! And I want you to vote for me for Events Coordinator Chair. I’m a sophomore here at Stockton and my goal as Events Chair is to make your semester as fun and eventful as possible. With the help of just a simple check mark on the ballot next to my name, you can make this a possibility. Events such as our Dodge ball Tournament and Pizza and Pong night will test your hand eye coordination as well as your teamwork skills. A night of Quizzo and a Scavenger Hunt will show off your skills in what truly makes you an ‘Honors’ student. I’d love to make the following semesters as wonderful as possible and hope that you agree that choosing me as Events Coordinator would make that a possibility! (:

Public Relations

Ben Peoples

My name is Michael Benjamin (Ben) Peoples, and I am running for the position of Public Relations Chair. I am a member of the Hughes Center Steering committee, Political Engagement Project, Student Senate, and several other organizations on campus. If elected I plan to use my connections in the several administrative offices around campus to further the goals and requests of the Honors Program as a whole. I also hope to be able to go out into the community and inform students considering Stockton College of our Honors Program.
Thank you, Michael Benjamin (Ben)  Peoples

Community Service

Momina Ayub

My name is Momina Ayub and I am re-running for Head of Community Service. I’m running for this position because I have lived in Galloway and the area around Stockton my entire life and I feel as though I can really help everyone find areas that they would really love to use as service projects or get hours from. As Head of Community Service, I have helped organize our most successful blood drives at Stockton thus far and because of those efforts, we now have two Spring Blood Drives rather than just one. I work closely with the volunteer office in ARMC so I am able to help process Honor Student applications so we can all volunteer quicker and get more out of our experiences.  I also know about volunteering at nursing homes and at the senator’s office and can thus help others who want to do that. I am very organized and I have experience in leading so I know I will be able to handle the responsibility of organizing future Blood Drives and other events as well as finding a balance that works for those individuals who are involved with service hours and those with the Service Projects. I am re-running for this position because I truly think I can provide more volunteer opportunities for Honor Kids and make the service requirement of the honors program less stressful.  I have a lot of ideas that I feel will help keep everyone on top of their hours and projects along with ideas of things the whole Honors Program can do together as service. I  hope to provide more opportunities to volunteer and let the community and Stockton as a whole really acknowledge the Honors Program for the wonderful program it really is.

Peer Mentoring

Zahara Ayub

Hi everyone! My name is Zahara Ayub, and I would like to run for the position of Peer Mentoring chair. Since I am a sophomore, I know how the old peer mentoring system worked, and I will try to bring back the best aspects of it, as well as incorporate things that have evolved with the new system. As we all know, it is not mandatory for upperclassmen to sign up to be a mentor, and now it is not required for mentees to regularly meet with their mentor. I will work to make it so that there are at least some required meetings throughout the semester. This is important because some of the freshmen will not know about all of the aspects of registration. If someone can explain the important things to them, like CAPP evaluation, I am sure that the process will be way less stressful for them. If they don’t have to meet with their mentor, they may not even realize that they had questions to begin with. Giving the option of meeting with a mentor allows many to dismiss the service since “they don’t have to do it”. I have also been thinking of a fun event that can be worked out with the events coordinator, where mentees and mentors compete in teams in some sort of game. This would create a stronger integration among the freshman and the upperclassmen, as well as a fun event where everyone can become comfortable with their mentor/mentee. I truly do care about the Honors Program, and I wish to see it develop into an even more accomplished program than it already is. In my experience, the peer mentoring program is a life saver for freshman (Hi Katie Baker! :D). It is a helping hand from someone who cares and wants to help freshman assimilate into the Program, but also into the Stockton community. It’s hard to adjust to college, and this program offers a friend to incoming freshman right of the bat. I want to be able to give back to the program by helping others in the position I once was in.

Kimia Kheirkhah

Hi! My name is Kimia Kheirkhah, I am a freshman and I am running for the position of peer-mentoring.  I am very outgoing and I’m always in a fun happy mood (as most of you can tell).  I love making new friends, meeting new people and helping everyone out.  My mentor this year was Bill and he really helped me get a firm grasp on what my major requires and the options I had with exploring different academic experiences.  When I found out I could run for the same job, I instantly knew this was the job for me.  I told one of my friends “I want to be the mother hen to all the little baby chicks coming in as freshman next year!”  And I do.  I feel like being as outgoing as I am, I’ll be able to easily make the incoming freshman feel welcome and comfortable.  I’m also very organized so that will help me stay on top of things.  Since I truly care about people and am interested in helping them, I’ll take my time getting to know the freshman and making sure that they are settling in alright into our friendly Stockton environment.  It’s important for me to have the next group of Honors students feel as though they have guidance and don’t feel lost.  Even though I’d be matching up the freshman to their mentors based on majors and academic interest, I’d be following up on making sure they have been able to maintain contact and getting the guidance they need.  The most important thing to me is making sure there is a strong connection, not just between the mentor and the mentee, but between everyone in the honors program.  Even though I had an amazing mentor, I have learned countless more things from all the honors upper classmen in the Honors Program and I would like the incoming freshman to feel like everyone in the honors program can help them.  This is because we each have our own specialty, interest, and something unique to offer; no one person can know everything. I hope you guys support my vision for the incoming freshman and my goals.  A vote for me is a vote for a connected and united Honors Program.  Thank you.


Maryse Biernat

Hi, my name is Maryse Biernat and I am running for the Fundraising Chair. I am currently a first semester sophomore. I am running because I feel that more can be done with this aspect of our program and I have some ideas that will utilize other campus activities to reach these goals. I am organized and responsible and can fully be trusted with this position. I hope to make use of events such as welcome week and the homecoming weekend in order to raise some more money. One tentative idea is to have some students giving henna tattoos for a couple of dollars during welcome week. I also want to increase our sales of the retro t-shirts and to come up with some other designs that will appeal to the general Stockton community. Finally, I want to work with the Community Service Chair to start raising some money that will be donated to charities. All of these ideas are meant to make the program more visible on campus and to bring in funds that can be used for more events and to contribute to the community.  Any suggestions, ideas, or criticism will be taken into consideration for any future fundraising events. Thank you for taking time to read this and please vote for me!

Junior Class Representative

Brittany Strevell

I would like to be the class representative for the Class of 2013 because I am very in-tune with the needs and opinions of other Honors students in my class. I am friendly with all of my fellow Honors juniors and would be more than happy to take the time to listen to their concerns. I care a good deal about all of my friends in the Class of 2013 and would work whole-heartedly to voice their opinions loudly to Professor Rosner and the Honors Advisory Board and to work towards the implementation of any policy changes that they desire.

Sophomore Class Representative

Eddie Horan

Hey, sophomores!  I decided to run for the position of Class Representative because I wanted our class’s voice to be heard so that its issues could be discussed.  Of course, with the number of our classmates running for positions on the Board, it seems that making our presense known will not be an issue.  At any rate, should you have a problem or suggestion, I would like to be the one to whom you tell it: you can rest assured that I will relay any and all sophomore-related issues to the Honors Executive Board in a calm, friendly, and grammatically correct voice.  This process, we must recognize, is a two-way street: I would like not only to keep the Board abreast of your issues, but to keep you in the know about the Board as well.  If you elect me, this is sure to happen.  As the only candidate for the position of Sophomore Class Representative, I sincerely hope that you will choose me to represent you.

Freshman Class Representative

Randy Weible

My name is Randy Weible, and I am from South Jersey. I am currently enrolled as a Freshman in the Honors Program here at Stockton College. I am running for the position of class representative because I believe that it is very important for our class to get involved with the executive aspects of the Honors Program. Because this is our first year, we as freshman have the potential to shape and improve the program for future years. I have already attended several Honors meetings this semester, in addition to an Honors Advisory Board meeting. As class representative, I plan to attend future Honors and Advisory Board meetings and speak on behalf of the entire Freshmen Honors Class, addressing problems and concerns specific to our class. It is understood that these meetings do not fit into everyone’s busy academic schedule, and so it is my plan to represent the class at these meetings, getting answers to questions and delivering the necessary information back to my peers. In addition, I hope to work closely with the upperclassmen, in improving certain aspects of the Honors Program for the years to come.

Day of Service

The Day of Service started with all of us meeting in the campus center. There were a lot more people there than I expected. It was very inspiring to see that so many people want to give their Saturday to help others in the community. We got into lines to check in and received surveys that we needed to fill out. After we all filled out our surveys we met in the event room for breakfast. After breakfast we listened to a few speakers, the most memorable being a first responder on the day of 9/11. His accounts were vivid and gave everyone a greater respect for all those who helped that tragic day, such as fire fighters, police officers, Emergency Medical Technicians, and medical staff. They did not get to see their families that day to help others. After his inspirational speech every person gave him a standing ovation as he walked away from the podium.
Each person was then called by service project leaders to their buses where they were transported to their locations. I went to the Atlantic Riding Clinic for Health, a nonprofit riding facility that teaches the handicapped to ride horses, along with other lessons. While I was there I helped out with a few different things. First we painted trim and doors for the horses, which I enjoyed doing. After we finished we washed the brushes and then started cleaning out the shed. We moved the contents out of the shed so that they employees could decide whether or not they were going to keep, donate, or throw them away. Once that was decided we moved some of the items into the classroom. When we finished moving the boxes and other things it was one o’ clock and time for us to leave. On our way out I could tell that the employee’s at ARCH really appreciated everyone’s help that day, even though we were only there for about three hours.
On our way back we filled out a post survey and discussed what everyone did that day. Everyone did different things and I realized that even though there were only three hours, we got a lot accomplished. I truly understood how just a little work can go a long way and it means a lot to someone. The Day of Service definitely inspired me to want to go out and do more community service.

Winning Perspective

During Welcome Week, I joined my fellow incoming freshmen as we were corralled like sheep from one monotonous assembly to the next, and I looked for every excuse to avoid partaking in the various socially awkward festivities. I settled down in my seat at the Warrior Champions documentary, craving popcorn and praying for an epic film depicting some Roman gladiator’s gallant fight to the death.  Though my wish was not granted in such a gory fashion, my eyes were opened to an entirely new class superhuman fighters- wounded soldiers turned Olympic athletes. I entered the Warrior Champions essay contest on a whim, and was granted a prize far more valuable than any monetary reward. I was given perspective.

A few weeks after entering the contest, I received an unexpected phone call from Assistant Dean of Students Tom O’Donnell, coordinator of Veteran Affairs at Stockton, informing me that I had won. After explaining the rewards I would be granted, he asked if I would mind attending the next Veteran Affairs meeting to take pictures for the newspaper. I consented, but truly had no idea what to expect. I tried on several outfits in search of something appropriate- not too casual, not too formal.  Upon entering the room on the Thursday of the meeting, I was surprised to find so many people that easily blended into the general student population here at Stockton. The room was full of men and women who had served in various branches of the United States Military, and were now attending Stockton in hopes of furthering their education. Many of these students were several years older than me, but welcomed me graciously into their circle. I was the only person in the room who had not previously served, and I felt so miniscule in comparison to such brave people.

Attending the meeting was truly an eye-opening experience for me. Had I not been present, I would be completely unaware of how many Veterans walk in our midst every day. It was extremely humbling to hear stories of the trials they had gone through on tour, as well as the challenges they face at home. Many face financial burdens and academic struggles that seem trivial to the average student, and most of the Veterans expressed interest in making the general population more aware of their presence on campus. Stockton was named one the most Veteran-friendly colleges in the country, but it is shocking to see how unaware many students are regarding the program. At the conclusion of the meeting, I was invited to come back the first Thursday of every month to join in the planning and discussion. I was truly honored to be welcome among such real-life heroes, and that was perhaps the greatest prize of all.