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Reflecting on the Sustainable Development goals

(SDG) Sustainable Development Goals is a plan to take action in creating a safer reality for peace and prosperity to end deprivations for the people and the planet. To combat these deprivations people have came together to formulate strategies in hopes to help better climate change, health, education, reduce inequalities, and economic growth all by the year 2030.

The goal that interests me the most was quality education, as I, myself becoming a future educator it is important for everyone to make sure they get a opportunity at education like most people are able to. The main goal for quality education is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. A target for quality education is to by 2030, is for all girls and boys to complete free,equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning. Another target that I found important was that by 2030, to have equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including universities. These are some goals that are to help the direction education and shape it for the better.

Thanks for Reading! 🙂

Sustainable Transportation for Sustainable Living

The 17 goals, championed by the United Nations, all work on coordination with each other, so it is hard to favor one out of the bunch. But to me, Goal 11 is the snowball to roll, but has the best effects once it gets rolling. As per the UN’s definition, Goal 11 is, “[To] Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. The world is obviously such a massive place, so to make such a large change like the UN is trying to achieve by oneself is nearly impossible; however, on the chance it is, the reach of accomplishing the goal is not that widespread. To be clear, that is not to say there is no value in smaller groups or individuals from trying to better the world. To make a sustainable globe, it takes a global effort, it takes everyone. It is easier to accomplish when everyone is on the same playing field, which is why creating sustainable living is so essential.

Infographic from rideshark

Before the pandemic hit, almost 1 billion people lived in slums, with most of them residing in parts of Asia and Africa. If that seems bad, about only half of the urban population in the world has access to public transportation. Imagine the numbers now; unfortunately it makes achieving the 2030 goals significantly harder, but they can still be done. 5 years ago in 2016, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the UN held the first Global Sustainable Transport Conference. It was a success, with the attendees reaching the conclusion that sustainable transport is essential for maintaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The rest of summary of the conference can be found here. In a few days, the next summit will in Beijing, China, which will be another opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions to achieving worldwide sustainable transport. While on paper transport and living are different, in practice they can not function without the other. Roads are no good without places to go to, and places can not be reached and developed if there are no roads to navigate.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Peace, justice, and strong institutions is Goal 16 in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The main website for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, explains in detail, what these goals entail.

This is the mission’s statement for Goal 16.

There are many ministries and organizations that are fighting for this justice day in and day out. The beautiful thing about that, is that some are associated with the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals and others are not- but equally so, they are working towards the same goal. One of the ministries that are fighting for this justice is Agape International Missions. This ministry fights specifically against child sex trafficking in Cambodia. Cambodia used to hold the title of “child trafficking capitol of the world”, but now with this help, they have been moved to the 2-tier watch list in the Trafficking in Persons Report.

This is a quote that encompasses the goal of AIM (Agape International Missions).

This goal encompasses a belief that America claims to stand upon in the Bill of Rights- justice for all. This goal from the UN is a great reminder that can hold our nation accountable in this. Of course, it is also the responsibility of the individual to make sure they are living out a life that is promoting peace amongst their neighbors and looking out for others’ best interests and well-being. Are you doing your part?

Diane Hoffman