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Microsoft Translator breaks language barriers and accessibility problems

[Image description: A collaborative learning setting.] Photo courtesy of Unsplash.
A collaborative learning setting. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

As someone who is on their way to becoming fluent in a second language for the first time in their life, learning about the benefits of Microsoft Translator in this week’s chapter immediately stood out to me. And that is just for one person; the benefits of Translator reach schools, workplaces, and individual relationships alike (both abroad and on our screens).

For a school like Chinook Middle School in Clyde Hill, Washington, where students speak 32 different languages, Translator is a necessary tool. Principal Russel White, who liked to meet with parents four times a year, always had to use interpreters at language-designated tables. But that all changed when the tables grew in numbers and not every language was represented because of a lack of resources. Luckily, when he teamed up with the school’s IT department and started to use Microsoft Translator, he no longer had to rely on interpreters and constantly worry about not having all the resources to provide the right subtitles to every foreign tongue there.

The benefits of Translator are endless. It even caters to dialects, making sure that no culture, region, or background is ignored in the global education setting.

The app’s website explains how it “provides free resources, tools, and how-to guides for live captioning and translation in the classroom.”

This takes global collaboration to a whole new level. Once the language barrier is broken, the possibilities for global communication, collaboration, and education are endless.

Translator bridges the language barrier with advanced technology that helps students see a transcript in their language on the screen at the front of the classroom, or on their devices. The app also allows what the lecturer is saying to be translated so they can listen to it audibly.

This video explains how Chinese students were able to understand a presentation by an English speaker…and how much the technology impressed them. Courtesy of microsoft.com.

This is useful for foreign exchange students, or for teachers conducting virtual lessons to students on the other side of the globe, or simply for teachers and parents who speak another language to communicate effectively.

And the benefits don’t end there. The app is also useful for learners who need special accessibility tools, such as students who are hard of hearing or deaf. With the combination of translation and accessibility tools, Translator increases inclusivity and accessibility in the classroom. This is extremely important, as hearing difficulties are common throughout the world, and make accessibility tools in any learning environment crucial to the success of the student.

Education, and the way tools and empathy for the hearing-impaired come into play, is a major part of the mission of the National Association of the Deaf. This just shows how important a high-tech app like Translator is, in the way that it can help people with learning disabilities as well as foreign students coming to exchange cultures.

It’s one of the greatest bridges to cultural awareness, and one of the most fascinating tools I have come across this semester when learning about the different tools teachers with “teacherpreneurship” traits can utilize.

Immersion Programs to Improve Language Learning

The Global Educator Toolbox gives educators of any age group access to many tools and programs that they can use to encourage their students to learn outside of the classroom or to use within their classrooms to deeper engage their students in learning. Since I am a Spanish major and have a passion for the language, one of the tools within the Global Educator Toolbox that stood out to me was Concordia Language Villages. The website is easy to navigate and accessible. The Concordia Language Village is an immersion program for any age. The program has 15 languages to choose from. The trips range from one week to a month away in a country that speaks the language of choice. Due to my interest being in the Spanish language, I decided to focus in on that portion of the website.

This is what the Spanish immersion portion of the website will look like.

The time of immersion includes culture studies, sports, activities, songs and dances in the language of their choice. The video below will show what students experience at El Lago del Bosque, the village students will stay at if they choose to learn Spanish.

The Concordia Language Villages also provides virtual courses that range from a week straight of learning over the summer to courses that are once a week throughout a semester. This tool could be great for students interested in taking their language skills to a new level. I definitely recommend that language teachers of any age group check out the website and encourage their students to explore it as well!