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A Trip to the Louvre

Panoramic View of My Visit to the Louvre

In 2018, I studied abroad for my first semester of college and I took a trip to Paris for a weekend, with one of my stops being to the Louvre. We did not choose to go inside due to the amount of people in it, so I decided a virtual tour would complete my experience there.

Hercules and Darth Vader [detail] © RMN Grand Palais (museee du Louvre) _ Herve Lewandowski

Looking at the tour options, the last name I expected to be on there was Darth Vader, the iconic bad guy from Star Wars. The exhibit was on heroes and monsters from folk tales and myths throughout history. The design of the gallery was to invoke tension, conflict, deep thought, and a sense of rising to action, all aspects of what makes a hero, a hero. The types of lighting helped to set the mood of whatever a hero was going through, whether it be overwhelming darkness, a little bit of light or dark, or even complete brightness. It simulated the conflict a hero encounters throughout their story, implying the viewer/visitor is a hero in their own light. This exhibit makes people look to heroes for inspiration, giving them hope that they can be heroes in their own lives. because even though heroes are great and powerful beings, they have their flaws, just like everyone else.