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Mental health in the classroom

An engaging learning environment. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

The WE Teachers Social and Emotional Learning Module provide activities and lessons for ways teachers can incorporate emotional wellbeing in the classroom. This is important because it creates an environment of mutual respect for a student not just as a learner but as a person experiencing life beyond the classroom.

This makes for a better learning environment overall and even contributes to the social aspect students experience in school that involves making friends and feeling like they belong. When there is less anxiety surrounding their social life, they have more room to learn better.

A screenshot that features a diagram highlighting the different parts of social and emotional learning.

The module also made a point of explaining how this is not a teaching method that goes “soft” on students or is only for handling “misbehaved” students. This is about treating students with compassion and helping teachers understand how to care about every student’s individual wellbeing as a whole.

This is extremely important for developing minds, because many students can live in dysfunctional households, or have experienced trauma that can be triggered at school. It’s important for teachers to know how to avoid keywords or situations that can trigger a student, as well as how to navigate mental health issues in the classroom like anxiety or panic attacks.

A color wheel in the module highlights the different emotions that can be triggered and how to handle them.

The module also discusses regular emotions that can inhibit a student from learning at their best potential, even if it seems like something simple such as nervousness, shyness, embarrassment, etc. You can never know how much social anxiety, shyness, or embarrassment can inhibit a student from learning at their highest potential or having the right amount of confidence to be outgoing and eager to learn.

This is why this module is so useful in the classroom.

This module can also help forge better relationships between teachers and students, and even students and fellow peers, which is something that WE Teachers consider often when using technology and other resources, as seen in the below tweet.

WE Schools has a lot of other modules that focus on themes of emotional wellbeing. Themes like Diversity and Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Equity & Human Rights all tie into being aware of the importance of social and emotional health in the classroom.

A screenshot of the variety of themes WE offer that relate to social and emotional wellbeing.

For example, the Anti-Racism module dives deep into racist ideas, responses, where they can stem from, and how to handle inequity in school. It defines different ways racism can occur through definitions of microaggressions, implicit bias, intersectionality, etc. It even covers sexuality discrimination, creating a module that ensures no marginalized group goes unnoticed, and that it can be addressed and handled effectively in real life by educators.

In addition to the modules, WE Schools provides an entire page for action campaigns that can provide students and teachers with resources to address problems in the real world and make their voices heard.

The beginning of the Action Campaigns page.

Overall, the website and the modules themselves provide resources that are extremely thorough for students and educators. If there is a topic or a problem in the classroom or even the real-world as it affects educators, this website covers it.