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Google Cardboard

This week we got to choose a reality in the classrooms. I chose to explore the Google Cardboard. This is a great activity for students to use while staying in the classroom. They get the chance to explore and see the 3-D pictures while staying in the classroom. This tool is easy for all students too use and they can have fun with it. It is nice and cheap to get for a classroom full of students, it is only $9 each.

Google Cardboard is easy to use and can use any app from the App Store. Students ca visit zoo’s, parks, space and any other place they imagine. Students will be able to expand their imaginations. This will allow students to be able to fully understand the topics that is taught and fully comprehend the “what” and why” questions during a lesson. Some students are visual learners and this will help those kids succeed.

Instead of just reading books and looking at pictures, students can use this tool to visually see and feel like they are actually there. Students will be able to feel more involved and more interested in the lesson when they fully understand the lesson.

Out Of Eden Walk

This week we looked at the website that explores the history and stories of the ancestors. “Paul Salopek’s 24,000-mile odyssey is a decade-long experiment in slow journalism. Moving at the beat of his footsteps, Paul is walking the pathways of the first humans who migrated out of Africa in the Stone Age and made the Earth ours. Along the way he is covering the major stories of our time—from climate change to technological innovation, from mass migration to cultural survival—by giving voice to the people who inhabit them every day. His words, as well as his photographs, video, and audio, create a global record of human life at the start of a new millennium as told by villagers, nomads, traders, farmers, soldiers, and artists who rarely make the news. In this way, if we choose to slow down and observe carefully, we also can rediscover our world.”

The first point I looked at was the Green Ark. The Green Ark, known as the ark of life. Almost 700 species of animals, including 154 mammals, 419 birds, 21 amphibians, 56 reptiles, 49 fish, and 1,690 different insects find refuge in the mountain’s steep folds. Humans that hike on the Green Ark can see what Earth once looked like. Walking through and seeing all the wildlife and how free they are in the Green Ark.

The Second point that I looked at was Walking Alongside The Daring and Creative. The first thing said in the article is that “None of us walk the Earth Alone”. Going around different places around the world, there are always people there walking with you and experiencing the same things as you. Seeing both sides of what you see, especially when there are locals around that area, they can inform you on the past of the area. This can educate you more on the places you visit.

The final point that I viewed was Milestone 32: Dry Well. “Every hundred miles Paul Salopek pauses to record the landscape and a person he meets, assembling a global snapshot of humankind.” Finding new places around the world and can use pictures to show more about the place than words can express it. Showing the journey can help show others how other parts of the world is different or similar than your area.

WE Teachers Mental Well-Being

This week we looked at We that can help us use these tools in our classrooms. This tool helps teachers look for signs in their students of their mental health. Knowing when a child is down, it is important to make sure your students are okay and that nothing is going to distract from learning. Teachers are there for students to teach them to to also be their counselor. Teachers always have to put their students before anything and that goes with making sure their mental well-being is good. But first, teachers must be aware of the type of poor well-beings like trauma, stress, self harm, depression, health conditions, anxiety, and many more.

By teachers being aware of mental health and mental health problems can help them find solutions for their students or the right help for their students. Sometimes playing games and doing fun activities can help students stay active and keep their mind healthy and busy. Checking up on your students and learning about their life outside is a great start to learning their well-being.

Spelling Activities Hyperdoc

I chose to pick a hyperdoc about spelling activities for elementary school students.

This s great for students to use while doing classwork and homework. This is a fun way to get the students motivated to do school work. Students love to be able to go onto the computers during school and this can be a fun way of learning for the students. This can help them master spelling words and trying to memorize the definitions. When I become a teacher, I will use this to help my students with spelling and to keep them interested. This will also allow them to look back if they need for homework and this can help them study for any quizzes.

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa is a beautiful spot to go on vacation. The Beach at Sea Point at sunset is a beautiful sight with the colors of the sunset and the reflection on the water. This virtual field trip helps to see how beautiful other parts of the world is without having to go there. This also allows you to see the center of the city, which is also beautiful. One of the pictures that it shows that I love is the picture over the Bo-Kaap district, all the beautiful colors of the homes really make it unique. The colors are so beautiful and make the homes and buildings stand out more. Cape Town also has some historical statues as well throughout the town.

Jane The Virgin

Jane The Virgin

Jane the virgin is a show on Netflix that is about a girl who got artificially inseminated at the OBGYN. This completely turned her life around because she was waiting until she was married. She met the father of the child and tried colliding the two worlds together for the child. This show is in English and in Spanish with English Subtitles.

Jane’s family is a Spanish speaking family. At home she mostly speaks Spanish to her Abuela (Grandma). Jane’s boyfriend at the time does not speak Spanish but tries to learn to communicate more with her Abuela. Throughout the show, Jane’s Abuela makes a food dish called Arepa’s, Jane and her mom loves when Abuela makes her famous arepa dish. In this show, Jane and her family are very religious Catholics and her Abuela is an old school traditions. Abuela left Venezuela with her husband and moved to Miami Florida to be free and start a family in the United States and start new traditions.

Jane and her family have some differences with my family and culture. Jane and her family speak Spanish and a lot of traditions in their family. They pray before every meal and have a tradition around Christmas time that they hang up an angel that is Abuela’s late husband.

Sail the 7 C’s: Microsoft Education

In Chapter 2, Microsoft Translate is introduced. This tool helps students and teachers communicate through Microsoft even if there are different languages. Microsoft translate allows you to change the language settings so that people can communicate even if throughout the discussion there are different languages.

This also helps teachers when they need to talk to parents, not all parents and teachers speak the same language. This allows teachers to communicate to others in an easy way. Not all parents and teachers speak one language, this can also allow the teachers to learn a little bit about the students home life that the teachers can connect to with the students.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

With everything going on in this world with the pandemic, it is super important to keep up to date with your health. Going to the doctors frequently is very important to make sure you are healthy. With the pandemic going on, during quarantine is was hard for people to stay healthy and their bodies healthy when everything was shut down for a year. People weren’t exercising much or eating healthy. But eating healthy isn’t the only healthy thing you can do. Drinking water and exercising is very important for our bodies, but also making sure we are on the right medications can help our bodies stay healthy.

Goal 3 is about good health. Target 3.2 is based on by 2030 ending the preventable deaths of newborns and young children under 5. Trying to find ways to keep the mother and the newborn babies healthy so that their lives can be saved and live a long life.

Target 3.7 is aiming towards that 2030 there will be access for sexual and reproductive health-care to educate others. Helping people learn about the health-care options to keep your body safe and healthy and also your unborn child’s life.

Always keep Goal 3 in mind, keep yourself healthy! Go see a doctor if needed and take care of yourself.

National Geography

The tool I loved and going to use in my classroom is the National Geographic Explorer Classroom.

This tool can be used for all grade students, K-12. This is fun and cool way to be able to communicate through different classrooms around the world through live video chat. Students can see and learn about all different types of animals around the world and is able to ask questions to the explorer. I picked this tool because it is an amazing way for students to “travel” the world while staying in the classroom. It is a cool tool to use when explaining geography to students and for students to actually see the world with their own eyes to understand geography. I am definitely going to use this in my classroom to show my students the real world without traveling. Instead of seeing pictures of animals and real world places, we can see them through video and being able to ask real world explorers questions that my students may have. This tool is bringing the whole world into my classroom. I think that is amazing and so cool that students are able to have this tool to help learn. This can definitely help students learn about the world and help change the world some day!