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3D Printing, it’s For All Ages

A toy robot, not unlike an elementary student would draw.

This article explores how Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School was able to bring 3D printing to its young students. This school was able to trial, for free, a Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer for 4 weeks. The access to this piece of equipment meant that the teachers were able to show their students how the 3D modeling translates to the real world. By allowing the students to print out their models the teachers were able to show them how to improve and refine their work.

This is a picture of 3D printed objects made by the students at Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School

The Pros of 3D printing:

  • Fun for the students
  • Demonstrates how you can find problems in a small scale prototype
  • Allows for creative expression
  • Keeps students engaged
  • Hands-on learning

While 3D printing is amazing tool to teach with, it is unfortunately not accessible for all students yet. The printer and the software are still too expensive for most schools to afford. But, just like computer, the price of this amazing piece of technology will one-day justify the purchase and creation of 3D printing labs and classes in our schools for nearly all grades.

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