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Virtual Reality in the classroom through Google Expeditions

The Virtual Reality that I see used for my class would be covered under Google Expeditions. When you go onto that website, you are welcomed with this website https://sites.google.com/tcsnc.org/tcs-g-expeditions/home. 

The overview listed on the left side details the information they have made available for educational purposes. This website is immersive, experimental, multisensory, engaging, and versatile. This application also builds a student’s form of empathy, and students have the chance to become creators of their own VR content. You can create your own VR tour and view objects in real life. 

The lesson we want to expose our students to is how we can help a cleaner future for our world. Teachers can make lesson plans about this on the website for more detailed information, which can be shared by sharing the link. Teachers can make students area of the environment we live in and how what we do affects all living things. For students who create VR, they could add camera usage. You can share what you have made. 

Warning: VR Sets should only be used by children seven years of age or grade 3 and higher. If you have a history of epilepsy, you should use this device.


When you click on this website, you make your way over to solutions at the top, click on this and go to Class VR. Scroll down till you get to the video on the right; if you click on this, you will find the directions to connect with the teacher through the WIFI., which are active or have a poor battery supply. When the teacher sees the images they would like to share, you can simultaneously send them to all students. Click on the image to draw their attention to the picture everyone is viewing. Because you are the teacher, you can see what all the students and support staff see.

Out of Eden Walk

This week I was asked to explore National Geographic; this is about the site: Out of Eden Walk; this is the website if you like to view the information I will be writing. The pictures you see in this presentation are just a few places Paul has traveled to, but you can find many more places on this website. Within this site, you have options for viewing, and they are by chapter, location, language, and category, but I will stay with the option Chapter.


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Paul Salopek is a journalist who has traveled the world and would like to take us on his adventure, named Out of Eden. The travel took ten years to complete, and he traveled 24,000 steps. In Chapter 1, he talks about leaving Africa.

Chapter 1 Milestone 1: Herto Bouri, Elevation 1809 feet
His walk started on January 22, 2013, at Herto Bouri in Ethiopia. His starting plan was to travel the areas of the world where people had fled too. He travels a distance of 24,000 steps and seven years. This travel will end in the year 2020. The people who walked away were hunters and gatherers. They had found fossils and DNA to date the trackback many years ago; specific timing was about 50,000-70,000 years ago. He had planned his path to get to his final destination, including some obstacles he would face, which you can see above.
Before this journey, he flew to his final destination and met with a lady named Cristina Calderón, 84. Knowing she was an older lady and the last person who spoke, Hagan Paul flew to talk to her and hoped he would see her once again at the end of his travel. He looked to her words to carry him through his travels. She happens to be the last full-blood Yaghan speaker.

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The next Chapter ad story to review is Chapter 2, The Holy Lands, Walking Jerusalem.
May of 2013 to July of 2014
You enter through om a Bridge of Strings to the great city of Jerusalem. To the residents of Jerusalem, their land is a source of confusion. They have from the least like parts to the most likable parts. The residents from there and the present people there are connected. The movements that he made were significant in this chapter. He traveled downhill to the Valley of the Cross, then went through the Holy Cross Monastery to the spot where the tree they used for the crucifixion grew. Paul continues on his travels because there is still nobody there.

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Abraham’s first view of Jerusalem May 7, 2007 View of the Promenade

Abraham’s first view of Jerusalem May 7, 2007 View of the Promenade
He leaves the area and proceeds to walk to the Mount of Olives. At the Mount of Olives, there is a place, Pater Noster Church which includes Braille in translation. The Orthodox play games late at night, specifically Backgammon. Towards the end of this section, you see and hear about the cemeteries being destroyed or preserved. We hear of a battle with Palestine about Mount of Olives. To this day, people still travel by camel. Mary’s tomb below is under the hanging lights underground.

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Tomb of Mary

Chapter 5 Goodbye to Myanmar May 27, 2021 Editors Pick
We cannot escape grief.
Before leaving Myanmar, he said goodbye to the people with who he stayed. He found these people to be very educated. They were training themselves to resist the government; their training went from bows and arrows to self-defense. Paul realized he had been on the trail of the people who invented bows and arrows. He goes on to explain not only did he follow the creation of bows and arrows, but he has also walked through war, was ambushed by gorillas in Turkey, and when going through Afghanistan, was delayed due to the Taliban.

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The forces in Myanmar have killed more than 800 people, including children. Journalists needed assistance as they were in jail, where executions took place; he decided it was best to leave Myanmar and track until he got to the Burmese capital. At this point, he reached 11,000 miles. In China, you can easily walk away, but the grief stays with you. With this, he had to worry for the people that he met there. The people patrolled the streets while this was happening; people talked very low about their desire to leave.

I chose these three stories as they left an impression on my thoughts. Paul went a long way to reach his goal, and he has completed his mission. He is gaining a wealth of knowledge and understanding. As Paul traveled, he knew that he wanted to see the lady again as she was older and had a feeling that may not happen. His travels took him through religious cities where he had respect for the people there; he shined some light into what was necessary to know and finally made his way to the goal he established for himself. Paul tells us the travel could be dangerous. At one point, he needed to take a plane even though he wanted to travel solely by foot. He allows us to feel, hear, and see what his journey has captured. We understand the Holy Land, but that is not from a first-person perspective. He goes into a more excellent knowledge of the areas he traveled to, which makes me very appreciative of his work.

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning has been proven to increase academic achievement a student can make and allow for positive social interactions. This also works outside of the schools. Social-Emotional Learning is self-awareness of oneself and skills used for school, work, or any success they may have in life. They help us to resolve conflicts, manage stress, make and keep friendships. You would serve as an example of healthy behavior. All young people have this. When people have this, they can think logically and understand each other’s boundaries. When asked How are you today, we cannot answer OK; we should express how we feel in the expression we think. But first, before answering, let’s use the word STOP.

We need to get in tune with our emotions, even if they are sad, angry, depressed, or anxious. It is OK to have negative feelings. The negative emotions are just as good as the positive emotions. When you can stop that emotion, you will better understand how to handle that feeling next time.

We generate different values throughout our life. Think about what you value and write that down. Rank them in their importance to you. Own your strengths; no one can take that away from you. Find your inspiration. Practice self-care. Play a game that works on communication skills; examples would be showing compassion, introducing mindful listening, and healthy communications.

This is helpful in a classroom setting because one’s behavior or emotion can affect another student. Students need a support team.

Hyperdocs: United States Constitution

Hyperdocs are digital lesson plans that are designed by the teacher and given to their students. They provide access for students to receive all they need to learn in a digital space. You can share the doc once, and your students will have access to all organized content in one organized digital area. Teachers use this to engage students in their education. This replaces worksheets. Teachers can go to the website ​HyperDocs and modify the assignment as they wish.

I chose the hyper doc on teachers under 5th grade; US Constitution is a beautiful place to excellent creative ideas. The Constitution is a symbolic part of history that all people should explore. This hyper doc gives you the option to review information in many different ways.

When you see a hyper doc, you look around and find detailed information. This hyper doc includes a video to watch, such as The Preamble we have here under Engage. You can see the youtube video at the bottom of the screen Under explore; when you click on the Notes part, you can take notes as you go on through the next couple of web pages. You should print this page out. There is also detailed information on who was involved in making the Constitution. Within the information provided, we can also see the first ten amendments to the Bill of Rights.

You can use the Quizlet at the bottom of this page or check the citizenship test that continues to be taken by all people wanting to be citizens of the United States. Students greatly benefit from the information that is easily accessible, and I feel this information is.

The link to where this information can be found is


History of Ellis Island

By: Alicia Infante

This subject piqued my interest many years ago when I had visited there. I was fortunate enough to hear the stories of people from other countries that came to the island and what they experienced. I have read of their accounts on the island. You can now access the records online. I think about what the people who came here had to endure. They left most things behind that they owned. They also left family behind. There was both sadness and joy for all who came.

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History of Ellis Island

Ellis Island was many things before becoming an immigration station. If you watch the video the wooden structure that was built in 1892 was built to house the housing station at the immigration station burnt down and was rebuilt to what we have today. The island had two names prior to becoming People came to America to escape from being persecuted because of religion, and another reason was poverty. This occurred in 1892 through 1924. Immigrants, when they left home, could only bring what they were able to carry. The different ways that people traveled were on a boat, or by foot,—most of the 3,000 people crowded the ships traveled many distances for a means of freedom. It took roughly two weeks to cross the Atlantic. There were a variety of cultures with the people who traveled. The ships that brought people over were filthy. The first thing that immigrants saw was the Statue of Liberty. Before leaving the boat, people looked over for health issues. Upper-class immigrants were first, then came lower class which waited long hours and days later. As people came off the boat, they approached the doctor’s registry, where they would look for signs of illness. People were forced to take an eye test to determine if they had trachoma. If trachoma was found on an individual, they were sent back home free of charge for transportation. Out of the 300,000 sent to the island, roughly 120,000 people were sent back with disease or disability. Many births and deaths were occurring on Ellis Island. Interpreters were on the island to assist in getting the correct names of individuals. You had to exchange money from your home country for American cash to survive.
In the audio clips, you hear about 3-4 ships carrying 5,000 to 6,000 people. Everyone was tagged with their demographics at Ellis Island after they took your papers. Years passed, and Ellis Island was not used for immigrants but a detention center for enemies in 1918 and 1919. The doors were officially shut on November 12, 1954. They were survivors with very little to work with when coming to America. I’m proud of their accomplishments that made way for us to accomplish our goals.

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Meet Young Immigrants | Scholastic.com

Mulan on Youtube

This week I tried to watch several different movies and You tube shows and came up with nothing. So I ventured into a movie on You tube named Mulan not the animated Disney movie that people would think but the live movie that flopped in theaters.

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The setting is in southeast China and Imperial China. The landforms that you see are the dunes of the Taklamakan Desert. This movie is very similar to our country in many ways.

It takes place in a sandy dry vacant area. It was pretty windy out also. Like us, China is constantly training for war. Arranged marriages are in the U.S., but that is not as frequent as it is in China. Our servicemen have had to fight on dry empty lands in the middle of the night and at random times. We had civilian men fight before, as did they. Family members served together in China as they do here. They traveled on foot and by horses. The days were hot and the nights were cold in various parts of China.

There were minimal differences. Mulan restrained herself from harming the man who hit her brother; Men are called to protect the country. Women in that time were not allowed to serve in the armed forces. The parents of a daughter went and asked for their daughter to have an arranged marriage. From 1917 to 1918, women were allowed to join the armed forces.
The only difference is the language, eating habits, and nutrition. In this movie, the soldiers do not eat for days on days while our army is fully stocked. When the soldiers in China did eat, they ate with their hands, no silverware. Women in China today typically do not serve as we have here. China has dust storms where America does not. While in battle their main supply of food is bread, fruit, and vegetables. Our service men have rations that are packaged and remain fresh till after they were opened.

The characters valued their lives and the lives of their families so much they fought for freedom. For fun they would throw things at each other. At one point in the movie the fun was a way of celebrating. They had a fire, wine, and dancers. We do not have that here. My one complain the end of the movie was a cliffhanger. I would of liked to see them return home once again victorious in what they have accomplished but that did not happen. The environment seemed low income. It would of been nice to see them build their empire back up.

Mulan 2020 full Movie with English Subtitle – YouTube , This is a link to the movie

Presenter Coach: What can it do for you?

I chose to write about Microsoft Presenter. Microsoft Presenter is something that I wish I had known about before the presentations I gave. The presenter records what you say and tells you if you are going too fast and keep in good time with your slides. It also says where you need improvements. It will know if you are reading the slides too much. Microsoft presenter tells you which slides you need to work on for better improvement. This tool instills confidence in all presenters.

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As teachers, we will not only be giving a presentation but our students as well. As teachers, we will be giving presentations daily as we discuss assignments and projects. Microsoft Presenter allows for improvement as you can rehearse the presentation over as many times as you need. Microsoft Presenter was created to help people to practice on their own in privacy.

Ending Poverty

Goal 1 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Image found on sdgs.un.org

After reviewing the many topics, the United Nations faces, I decided I would focus on poverty. When viewing the information provided by the United Nations, they show us that the goals to end poverty by 2030 will not be met but will be at around 7%.

Since Covid-19, poverty levels have significantly increased. The numbers range from 119-124 million. 60% of the people of this number are in Southern Asia. On November 1, 2021, experts from all over the world will be coming together. The main goals that they have provided are:

  • Eradicate extreme poverty for people everywhere.
  • Reduce half of the people living in poverty.
  • Implement nationally appropriate social protection for all and that people have rights to economic resources.

In April of 2021, national land local disaster risks went up by 45 percent in 2015. There are 1600 short-term goals in total, and that is only about Covid-19. These are just some of the goals listed to be reached by 2030. Unfortunately, they estimate 600 million people will still be living in poverty worldwide in 2030. They have not found a solution for global application, but nationally and internationally, programs are assisting. The last meeting about this topic was on October 6, 2021. Target 1.2 seems reachable. That goal is to reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women, and children of all ages related to poverty living in poverty and all its dimensions according to national definitions.

They continue to look for a future goal or eradicating poverty because this is the biggest problem worldwide. Eliminating poverty is a goal that seems to the United Nations as an overreaching goal unless they have immediate and substantial policies. We need to be aware of different forms of poverty and do our part to help.



Mapping the Nation

International Relationships

I want to teach current events and history. Trade has and will always remain a topic of interest for many people; we should know how this works.
This application is new and interactive. This application gathers information on the demographics, economics, and education from around the world. The maps show that the United States is a global nation. This website has global networks and resources available. The United States has a responsibility to make sure everyone gets an education.
They know that 5 percent of the world’s purchasing is outside of the United States. They also know that jobs growth is at an all-time high internationally. Jobs tied internationally alone are 23 million jobs in fifty states.
There is information on languages, exports, imports, companies that are importing, and jobs. You can look information up from around the world. Because classrooms have diversity in them, this should be essential to learn. Did anyone ever think about how we all are with being connected with the rest of the world? We need to pay attention to our area, and maybe we cannot see what is right in front of us.

Teacher Collaboration

Collaboration is essential in daily life but in school’s changes. One year you are learning through books and worksheets, then you know to do your work on the computer, and just last year, students did their work at home on a live video feed with their teachers. With much collaboration, these teachers work together for the greater good, not for themselves but their students. It changes constantly and is continuously ongoing.
The wonderful thing for teachers is that they share the responsibility to learn. When you have more people around you, collaborate. If you think about it, we collaborate every day. The more people involved with a child’s education, the greater the student will become. You can see the differences n schools when there is no collaboration. It is not beneficial to students not to have this. Next to the parent’s teachers are the following best example they have.
Teachers make their plans together. They share a vision for their students. Teachers can come together and make more creative or interactive plans for the class. Without collaboration, teachers would not be happy. For students, you have to overcome the feeling of not going, and it’s not about you but your students.
Many staff feels that their days are long enough and do not want to join a meeting. Teachers lack time to work together. Some educators in a forum have a strong personality, which you do not want to be around. People have seen changes as people are creating PLN accounts on social networks. You can meet people all over the world. Now that we have video technology, we have better access to each.
Effective teacher collaboration requires a shared vision with staff. See if your goals are about eh same. Discuss your team’s goals and figure out how to reach their goals. You know your students better than any other teacher. Build a relationship with the staff let them know that you care for the students and that anything that is needed, you can always ask for help. You have now gained someone’s respect and trust. Your team should assign roles and responsibilities. Before the meeting, have a conflict management plan, keep your emotions under control and use professional judgment. Teachers are not only advance their skills but are an example to the students they educate.