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Turkish show with English subtitles

by Shelby Garrison, Garris37

Turkish TV series

I watched a Turkish tv show called Love For Rent. Some of the characters in this series seem to be high class people in fancy houses with their own people that work for them. Other characters I believe are lower class people that work hard and I think they are located in a city in Turkey. This show seems to be in modern time. A lot of things are similar to my culture. The way they dress (upperclass and lower class) is the same way people in my culture dress. The transportation is the same, they have cars in the show. Food is the same also I saw fruit on the table for breakfast. The weather was the same as I would say New York. There is really no significant differences in culture. The main difference is obviously language. The people in the show are very passionate when they speak and very loud! Another difference I noticed is the music. The music in the show was Turkish music, and very different from the music I listen to. The rich characters valued money and reputation. There really wasn’t that much difference in culture I think. The landscapes where beautiful and they had a pretty body of water with boats in in, Which reminded me of views we have in the states.

An example of what the little marina in the show looked like (without te mountains in the back)

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