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Blog Post 6- Subtitles- Tatianna Competello

This week for our assignment I found this show on youtube which is, SKY COURT. This show is the first episode of season one. The first episode is based on how Nikita Lazarev makes an offer to the woman he loves, but Veronika was widowed only two years ago. However, Nikita won’t get to hear the answer, because coming out of Veronica’s apartment, he will die, accidentally collapsing into the sewer. He arrives in the heavenly court, where everything is alike on earth: judges, prosecutors, and lawyers. Every human is judged on their first and last act.

This image is a cover photo for the show.

In this show, I noticed several things about the cultural aspect and the setting. To start, the Lawyers in the show, Andrei and Veniamin are friends who have much in common, but their work often puts them on different sides of the fence. In the episode, I watched a man named Nikita ask the women he loved to marry him, but Nikita never got to hear what his lover Veronika had for an answer because as soon as Nikita came out of her apartment that day, he was killed. The show starts off with everyone being in court just like we do here in America. This court session is about figuring out how Nikita died and possibly the people involved in his death. This show is based on Russian culture. I have noticed in this show in the courtroom there are beautiful paintings and furniture pieces in the background. Another cultural aspect that can be seen throughout the show is how the Russian cultural deals with death with people from their culture. During this court meeting, everyone gets together and decides where to send the soul of a person after death. When someone passes away in the Russian culture people who knew the person that passed away and gather an idea of where this person’s soul will go after their death. I am a Catholic Italian and in my culture when someone passes away we know that their soul went to heaven and we do not have to decide on a place where the person’s soul will rest. Instead of having a court meeting, we have a Funeral and a Wake to say our last goodbye and show respect one more time for the person that passes away. But in the Russian culture, they do things a little differently. Another cultural aspect I saw in this episode is that every human is judged on their first and last act. This means that the first and last act this person had before they pass away has a big determination in where their soul will go as well. In the show I noticed that all the man and women were always dressed very nice and professional. The women always had on appropriate outfits with their hair and makeup done, along with the men always being dressed in suits. I also noticed the court that was shown in the show was beautiful and done up so nice.

In this episode, I found some aspects that were similar and different to my culture, which is being Italian. To start something I found similar for both cultures is that we both take people’s deaths to court that could have possibly been done on purpose or a crime committed in order to kill the person. In both cultures, we just want to get down to the bottom line on why that person passed away and put the person in jail, and give them a consequence for being responsible for someone passing away. In this episode we see this activity happening at the beginning of the show. Another similarity I found is that friends in the episode get together and go out to eat or grab a drink with each other. The two lawyers were having a discussion about the death of Nikita. In America people like to get together with friends and go out to eat for multiple reasons. Based on what I watched from this show most people just traveled on foot and if not then then people had cars, and motorcycles. In the episode the type of food that was eaten is food from the Rusian culture. The meals that were served in the show was not named but I saw that people were always drinking tea in the show. In my culture we are not big on drinking tea, instead we like to drink coffee throughout the day, usuakky with cream and sugar in it. The first activity I saw that people did for fun was play Paintball games in person. Another activity I saw that people did for fun was go on waverunners and jetskies in the lake. I have to say my family and I own wavrunners and we use them mainly in the summer, they are so much fun to use! I also saw people went to the beach for fun as well. The weather for the most part always looked sunny and hot. For the most part in this show I did not see people having that much fun, for the most part people were just worried about figuring out the death and getting closure. I have to say this game is popular for people in America as well and could be a fun game. Another similarity I saw in the video is that when Nikita passed away in the show his girlfriend was very upset and grieving, but she had a friend by her side to comfort her. Another similarity I noticed is that usually the men smoke cigarettes often. People are always smoking in court and outside of court. I have realized that this takes the stress off of people. This is definitely similar to my culture people like to smoke as well constantly and usually smoke in areas they can such as casions. I would say the characters value love, friendship, and religion. Russians highly value stability and security. I can see this based on the eposide. I can tell in this video that Nikita was very cared for and people want to get to the bottom of what caused his death. Some paintings that I saw in the show were murals of people who were famous, or paintings of people that others knew personally.

Overall, I am glad I came across this TV show. I would say it is a drama film along with love being involved.

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