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Jane The Virgin

Jane The Virgin

Jane the virgin is a show on Netflix that is about a girl who got artificially inseminated at the OBGYN. This completely turned her life around because she was waiting until she was married. She met the father of the child and tried colliding the two worlds together for the child. This show is in English and in Spanish with English Subtitles.

Jane’s family is a Spanish speaking family. At home she mostly speaks Spanish to her Abuela (Grandma). Jane’s boyfriend at the time does not speak Spanish but tries to learn to communicate more with her Abuela. Throughout the show, Jane’s Abuela makes a food dish called Arepa’s, Jane and her mom loves when Abuela makes her famous arepa dish. In this show, Jane and her family are very religious Catholics and her Abuela is an old school traditions. Abuela left Venezuela with her husband and moved to Miami Florida to be free and start a family in the United States and start new traditions.

Jane and her family have some differences with my family and culture. Jane and her family speak Spanish and a lot of traditions in their family. They pray before every meal and have a tradition around Christmas time that they hang up an angel that is Abuela’s late husband.

1 Comment

  1. I have not seen this show myself but I have heard a lot about it and a lot of people seem to really like it. This show seems like it really shows Spanish culture through the Spanish spoken, and the traditional Spanish dishes that are cooked. After reading this blog post, I think I’m going to watch Jane the Virgin!

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