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Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator is a great tool to use in and outside of the classroom. Communication is an essential part of the classroom. Sometimes there can be barriers and restrictions when communicating. Language differences often cause a barrier when communicating together. The tool Microsoft Translator makes it possible and easy to communicate with everyone, despite language differences.

Benefits of Microsoft Translator

  • Access to subtitles and captioning.
  • Captioning can be used for people with a hearing impairment.
  • Users can post in their preferred language.
  • Users can see the responses in the conversation in their preferred language.
  • The mobil app makes it easy and simple to translate.
  • Makes it easy for teachers and families to communicate.

Communication is a key tool, not only in the classroom but everywhere you go. Using Microsoft Translator, ensures effective communication between everyone. It can be used to break down the barrier between different languages. It promotes good communication between teachers, students, and families. Check out the website for more details!

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