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Global Educator Tools: Out of Eden Learn

There was a comprehensive list of tools for this assignment but I chose Out of Eden Learn as the tool I’d like to use for my classroom. The main focus of this online social media option is to allow students to share and respond to each other’s stories and projects through their site. Out of Eden is a platform specifically made with students in mind so children can interact with each other and share their lives regardless of class, race, or physical location. It’s a wonderful way for students to communicate with others online in a safe, monitored way in the school environment.

I’m interested in using this tool to encourage high schoolers to connect with other high schoolers around the world by posting their art and receiving feedback from others on the platform. Getting feedback and critiques from everyone in the physical classroom is beneficial and I imagine the insight into a student’s work from a global perspective online could be even more helpful in order to develop a universal, easily understood visual voice.

I particularly like how Out of Eden stresses the importance of slowing down and taking the time to learn and communicate from other users. It’s a big difference from the fast paced message of most other social media platforms. We all need to stop and smell the roses every once in a while and Out of Eden is a platform that will help create a more focused, present learning experience.

You can watch a video about Out of Eden on Youtube here.

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