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The World’s Largest Lesson

Introducing “The Worlds Largest Lesson”: a campaign paired with Unicef that promotes the use of SDGs, or Sustainable Development Goals, in the classroom. According to their website, they “produce creative tools for educators and action focused learning experiences for children and young people that build skills and motivation to take action.” (https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/about-us/). Check out this brief video they provide to learn all about them!

I had learned about this tool in a class in a previous semester, and have also participated in it. I think it is has an incredibly important goal and should be implemented in schools all over the world. It is a wonderful tool to introduce important topics that affect people all over the world, such as poverty, climate change, and gender inequality. Introducing such controversial and important topics in schools gets students really thinking, and gets them involved in something bigger than themselves. It gives students a sense of doing something important in school other than the basic common core and state standards for learning.

I would implement this in my classroom starting in the first week of school. As a future ELA teacher, I would relate each of the topics to a story we will be reading in class. For example, when learning about poverty, I would choose an age appropriate book that wrestles the topic of poverty to introduce and transition into the Largest Lesson.

Thanks for reading this weeks blog post!

Mackenzie Hickey

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