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Pinwheels for Peace: A Collaborative Effort to Stand Against Violence

I was browsing the web for different articles that focused on group projects in the art field and I stumbled upon an event that was as cute as it was genuine and thought provoking. Pinwheels for Peace is an event founded by art teachers Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillan. Both educators worked together on the project and chose pinwheels to represent childhood innocence and play in order to make a statement against the harsh reality that we live in.

From its founding in Monarch High School in Florida, it has grown into a multi school art installation event where students and art teachers celebrate Peace Day by creating their own pinwheels. It’s a wonderful project and I’d be interested in celebrating Peace Day in my own high school classroom in the future. The main takeaway of the event is the promotion of global awareness and what we can do to enhance our understanding of our own inner peace and how harmony between people and nations can bring peace to all.

You can read the article here.

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