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Virtual Reality in the Classroom

by Shelby Garrison, Garris37

Learning with virtual reality

Virtual reality can be such an awesome tool for the classroom! I have actually gotten to attend a meeting while doing field study in a classroom using virtual reality and it was so interesting and amazing to watch. I wish This tool was around when I was in school, it definitely makes learning more interesting. This was especially cool for sciences and engineering. It give students opportunities to travel to different places and see all kinds of different things without even leaving the room. The seminar I got to participate in involved dissecting a pig all virtually!

Benefits to virtual reality in education

How does this affect teaching and achieving the SDGs? Well there are tons of opportunities for students to see first hand the issues that need working on first hand through virtual reality. There are companies that actually make virtual reality content specifically for people to use them to help spread awareness around the goals.

global SDGs
Virtual reality and SDGs

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