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Mental Health and Avoiding Stigma

Upon exploring WE Charity and their website, I discovered The Stigma-Free Society. This organization is set on erasing stigma in our communities in all aspects while putting an emphasis on the stigma associated with mental health.

Their website highlights what exactly is stigma, the effects of stigma and how to take action in living stigma-free. “Stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart.”. They explain that stigma creates prejudice and prejudice creates unjust and negative actions and words. Prejudice and stigma within a classroom creates an environment of hostility and makes it difficult for students to learn at their greatest potential.

Within my own classroom I want to do my best a create and maintain a stigma free zone where my students can free safe and comfortable in their own bodies and their own minds. Using The Stigma-Free Society’s ACTION plan as shown above, I will ensure that when my students walk through my classroom doors, they feel welcomed to be who they are without fear of prejudice and stigma.




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