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WE tools for the classroom

by Shelby Garrison, garris37

I looked around the WE site and found a few tools I found interesting and useful to teachers. One of my favorite and most interesting source I came across was about anti-racism. It was a powerpoint filled with information and even offers exercises to help educators.

Example of an exercise offered

I think this is a great tool for teachers, and this tool actually also helps with the SDG’s. Also in regards to our world at this point in time I believe this is a really important topic and teachers should get training on how to handle it. One of the exercises I found in this powerpoint I actually will save and use when I have my own classroom. It is very versatile and I can definitely make it my own, but it gives students terms and they need to piece together the definitions of these terms. It’s giving students the information they need, but doing it in a creative way, so it doesn’t seem as harsh.

definition puzzle exercise

Another plus to this tool is that there are exercises and information available for any age group of students. And some of these exercises even offer different scenarios to think about.

At the end of the slides, there is a list of other resources that can be used to support all kinds of other sensitive topics. This is awesome, especially for older teachers who might not know much about these more current issues (issues that have always been around that are now more commonly spoke about)

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